[comp.lang.c++] Mods to AT&T C++ v1.2 for SGI

richr@ai.etl.army.mil (Richard Rosenthal) (03/21/90)

We have just received Release 1.2.1 of AT&T C++ Translator (don't
ask why we're so far behind the times).  We purchased it to go
on our Silicon Graphics 4D/80 (don't tell me that I can buy it
directly from SGI).

Has someone modified Release 1.2.1 for SGI and can you offer
some assistance?

I'm sure this has been noted before and is water over the dam, but,
the Porting Guide I received talks about making changes to Release 1.1.

Thanks for your patience.

/s/ Rich Rosenthal
Richard Rosenthal                 Internet:  richr@ai.etl.army.mil
Engineer Topographic Labs             UUCP:  ...!ames!ai.etl.army.mil!richr
Alexandria, VA 22060-5546            Phone:  +1 202 355 3653