[comp.lang.c++] Using C++ tasking and curses together

neal@druhi.ATT.COM (Neal D. McBurnett) (03/22/90)

Does anyone out there have any experience, or know of someone who does,
with using tasking and curses at the same time?  We have a user task,
the "scheduler", which is responsible for communicating with the
outside world (including the terminal and a packet message interface).
The scheduler then dispatches whichever task is waiting for a
particular external event.  We will also have a single task which
handles input from the keyboard.

I assume that what we need to do is find the code in the depths of
curses which actually does a blocking read() call, and replace that
with a get() on an appropriate queue which is fed by the scheduler.
Ideally the scheduler would do a select() call on both the terminal and
the network, but it might have to poll the two of them until we get a
streams version of the tty driver.

Will we have problems with other curses interactions?  Is the input
code in curses more complicated than a single call to read() (e.g. are
there different mechanisms for different modes of input: cooked, raw,
etc?).  Are there timing issues we should beware of?

I hate to re-invent the wheel, so let me know if this has been done before.

-Neal McBurnett // AT&T Bell Labs, Denver // neal@druhi.att.com, att!druhi!neal