[comp.lang.c++] Tools for "re-engineering" C++ sources ?

mg@ztivax.UUCP (Michael Geiger) (03/23/90)

	Tools for re-engineering C++ source code

Hello out there !

I've got a vast amount of C++ source code which I am trying to understand.
Unfortunately the code is hidden in hundreds of different files and
directories. What I need is a tool like 'cscope' for C code, which builds
a cross reference list and provides tools like 'all functions calling
function x', 'all functions using variable y' etc.

All requested tools should run on SCO 3.2 (80386) and/or SunOs 4.x (SPARC).

If anyone knows about such tools (or more powerful ones!), please
answer via e-mail. I'd be happy to get any hint where to look for them!

Thanks to all who will reply.

Michael Geiger

Michael Geiger, Siemens AG Munich            Internet:  mg@ztivax.siemens.com
					     UUCP    :  mg@ztivax.UUCP