[comp.lang.c++] C++ compiler that supports multiple inheritance

jwkhong@grand.waterloo.edu (James W. Hong) (03/28/90)

Could someone tell me what the status of C++ compilers for supporting multiple
inheritance is?  Is there any C++ compiler that supports multiple inheritance
already available?  If not, does anyone know if and when such a C++ compiler
might be available? (Please execuse me if these things were already mentioned
in this newsgroup.)  Thanks in advance.

James W. Hong

rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) (03/28/90)

In article <35701@watmath.waterloo.edu> jwkhong@grand.waterloo.edu (James W. Hong) writes:
>Could someone tell me what the status of C++ compilers for supporting multiple
>inheritance is?  Is there any C++ compiler that supports multiple inheritance
>already available?  If not, does anyone know if and when such a C++ compiler
>might be available? (Please execuse me if these things were already mentioned
>in this newsgroup.)  Thanks in advance.

The Cfront 2.0 translator (from AT&T) supports Multiple Inheritance (MI).
It is probably safe to assume that all subsequent AT&T versions of cfront
will also.

The GNU g++ compiler from the Free Software Foundation has been supporting
MI for some time (i.e. since several versions ago).  The current version
is 1.37.1.  It is probably safe to assume that all future versions of g++
will also support MI.

// Ron Guilmette (rfg@ics.uci.edu)
// C++ Entomologist
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (03/29/90)

In article <35701@watmath.waterloo.edu> jwkhong@grand.waterloo.edu (James W. Hong) writes:
<Is there any C++ compiler that supports multiple inheritance
<already available?

Zortech C++ does.