[comp.lang.c++] Zortech C++ problem with large objects

bilting@cs.chalmers.se (Ulf Bilting) (05/02/90)

I seem to have problems with the Zortech C++ compiler for PC
when using large objects allocated as normal local stack variables.
The symptoms are random from none to complete havoc with weird printout
and hanging system. The symptoms disappear if variable is declared
Any comments or solutions or workarounds in general. Please answer
by mail and I will summarize to net.

Bob.Stout@p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Bob Stout) (05/04/90)

In an article of <2 May 90 11:30:08 GMT>,  (Ulf Bilting) writes:

 >I seem to have problems with the Zortech C++ compiler for PC
 >when using large objects allocated as normal local stack variables.
 >The symptoms are random from none to complete havoc with weird printout
 >and hanging system. The symptoms disappear if variable is declared

  Although it doesn't really jump out of the index at you, the most likely  
solution is on page 216 of the compiler reference manual where it tells you  
how to adjust the program stack size and describes debugging facilities for  
detecting and correcting stack overflow problems in the various memory models.