[comp.lang.c++] Pre and Post actions - an idea.

jat@xavax.com (John Tamplin) (05/05/90)

In article <263BF5E3.16516@paris.ics.uci.edu> rfg@paris.ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) writes:
>Note that in the class `foo' shown above, the member function member_2 is
>preceded by a new keyword, i.e. "exempt".  In the scheme proposed here, a
>call to a member function declared as "exempt" would cause the normal
>(implicit) pre and/or post member function invocations to be suppressed
>for that member function only.
>The syntactic & semantic rules for the "exempt" keyword, would be virtually
>the same as for the "virtual" keyword, except that it should be allowable for
>constructors to be declared as "exempt".  (Note that destructors can be
>virtual, and they should also be allowed to be "exempt".)

The problem with this is that there is no way to implement something like
the normal readers/writers solution:  n readers with no writers or 1 writer
with no readers.  To do that you need to know which member function is
being called, and for other solutions you might even need to know the
arguments.  It is simple to put a call to lock() and unlock() around the
body of a member function in the simple case and for more complicated cases
you need special code for each member function anyway.

I have not seen the Capsule stuff myself, but from the short except given
before I would agree that it adds too much fluff for not enough functionality.
The par section appears to provide enough functionality for readers and
writers, but I don't see a clean way to extend the syntax to more difficult
problems.  Another problem is you don't get to specify whether you want
gated service, prioritized service, or what kind of fairness guarantees you
want.  I myself prefer to just use standard C++ and insert "mutex.P()" and
"mutex.V()" around my member functions.  When I want more sophisticated
concurrency control, I write it myself.
John Tamplin						Xavax
jat@xavax.COM						2804 S Memorial Parkway
...!uunet!xavax!jat					Huntsville, AL 35801

rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) (05/05/90)

In article <1990May4.195250.9662@xavax.com> jat@xavax.com (John Tamplin) writes:
>In article <263BF5E3.16516@paris.ics.uci.edu> rfg@paris.ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) writes:
>>Note that in the class `foo' shown above, the member function member_2 is
>>preceded by a new keyword, i.e. "exempt".  In the scheme proposed here, a
>>call to a member function declared as "exempt" would cause the normal
>>(implicit) pre and/or post member function invocations to be suppressed
>>for that member function only.
>>The syntactic & semantic rules for the "exempt" keyword, would be virtually
>>the same as for the "virtual" keyword, except that it should be allowable for
>>constructors to be declared as "exempt".  (Note that destructors can be
>>virtual, and they should also be allowed to be "exempt".)
>The problem with this is that there is no way to implement something like
>the normal readers/writers solution:  n readers with no writers or 1 writer
>with no readers.

I agree.  The simple before & after methods feature that I elaborated on
(it was actually invented/suggested by others before me) was not meant to
solve all sorts of random problems in the world of parallel/concurrent
processing.  It is only meant to provide a simple and straightforward
mechanism for factoring out code that commonly has to be done either at
the beginning or at the end of a mjority of the member functions of a
given class (and possibly its descendants).

>I have not seen the Capsule stuff myself, but from the short except given
>before I would agree that it adds too much fluff for not enough functionality.

This was my primary point.

>I myself prefer to just use standard C++ and insert "mutex.P()" and
>"mutex.V()" around my member functions.

If before/after member functions *were* "standard" C++, you would not have
to introduce all that redundancy (or do all that keyboarding).

// Ron Guilmette (rfg@ics.uci.edu)
// C++ Entomologist
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

ouij@xurilka.UUCP (exhausted jazz surfer) (05/05/90)

In article <1990May4.195250.9662@xavax.com> jat@xavax.com (John Tamplin) writes:
>In article <263BF5E3.16516@paris.ics.uci.edu> rfg@paris.ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) writes:
>>Note that in the class `foo' shown above, the member function member_2 is
>>preceded by a new keyword, i.e. "exempt".  In the scheme proposed here, a
>>call to a member function declared as "exempt" would cause the normal
>>(implicit) pre and/or post member function invocations to be suppressed
>>for that member function only.
[stuff deleted]
>The problem with this is that there is no way to implement something like
>the normal readers/writers solution:  n readers with no writers or 1 writer
>with no readers.  To do that you need to know which member function is
>being called, and for other solutions you might even need to know the
>arguments.  It is simple to put a call to lock() and unlock() around the
>body of a member function in the simple case and for more complicated cases
>you need special code for each member function anyway.

>I have not seen the Capsule stuff myself, but from the short except given
>before I would agree that it adds too much fluff for not enough functionality.
>The par section appears to provide enough functionality for readers and
>writers, but I don't see a clean way to extend the syntax to more difficult

I ,repeat, the capsules stuff is not intended as an extension
to C++.  Nor should of it been brought up in this newsgroup.

It is a new feature about to be added to Concurrent C++.
We have no intention of modifying C++, that is left to its prophet
and/or  ansi committe.

>Another problem is you don't get to specify whether you want 
>gated service, prioritized service, or what kind of fairness guarantees you

not true.  

Before people continue making rash judgments about Capsules 
considering that only a snippet was presented, get a copy of
the paper ``Capsules: A shared memory mechanism'' [gehani 88]
and lets  move the discussion  out this group. 

Now back to our regularly scheduled newgroup.

>John Tamplin						Xavax
>jat@xavax.COM						2804 S Memorial Parkway
>...!uunet!xavax!jat					Huntsville, AL 35801


Luigi Perrotta (sometimes) 				(514) 278 1837		
Ubangi Research Inc	info-ccc-request@xurilka.UUCP
uunet!xurilka!ouij 				Concurrent C/C++ mailing list 

rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) (05/06/90)

In article <131@xurilka.UUCP> ouij@xurilka.UUCP (exhausted jazz surfer) writes:
>I ,repeat, the capsules stuff is not intended as an extension
>to C++.  Nor should of it been brought up in this newsgroup.
>It is a new feature about to be added to Concurrent C++.
>We have no intention of modifying C++, that is left to its prophet
>and/or  ansi committe.


>Before people continue making rash judgments about Capsules
>considering that only a snippet was presented, get a copy of
>the paper ``Capsules: A shared memory mechanism'' [gehani 88]
>and lets  move the discussion  out this group.

To say that what happens in Concurrent C++ has no influence on (or should
have no influence) on C++ (and in particular ANSI C++) is, IMHO, not correct.

This is almost the same as saying that C++ had no influence on ANSI C (and
we all know that it *did* have an influence).  Obviously, whenever you
talk about a superset of a given language (and especially a language
for which a standard has not yet been codified) you are talking about
things which represent possible good and useful additions to the base
language itself.

I see no reason why a discussion of Concurrent C++ features should be
kept out of comp.lang.c++.  Indeed, I'd say that discussing such things
here may have a beneficial effect upon the final form of the ANSI C++
standard.  (Well... I'm hopeful of that anyway.)

// Ron Guilmette (rfg@ics.uci.edu)
// C++ Entomologist
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.