dan@dyndata.UUCP (Dan Everhart) (05/07/90)
Has anybody implemented the task library under Zortech 2.0?
Bob.Stout@p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Bob Stout) (05/08/90)
In a message of <May 06 17:57>, Dan Everhart (dan@dyndata.UUCP ) writes: >Has anybody implemented the task library under Zortech 2.0? If you're referring to Thomas Wagner's CTASK 2.0, there was a group on BIX talking about it a while back. Theoretically, the port was in process and this was several months ago. I haven't checked in on them lately to see how they're doing, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's done.
bilbo@s3.ireq.hydro.qc.ca (05/08/90)
We have a new C++ real-time executive available as a hierarchy of classes for object-oriented software development. The Interactors (tm) executive was developped with Zortech C++ V2.0. Interactors is a ROM-able source library. Interactors provides facilities for naturally expressing inter-process synchronization, communication, and computation. An action-oriented model provides a general framework, rather than a pre-defined set of built-in primitives. This extensibility is provided by joint actions, accomplished by cooperating sequential processes, over shared interactions. Interactions allow to derive the usual services found in operating systems, such as buffered, and unbuffered channels. Interactions are fully user-definable, and allow mutual control between processes. It includes interrupt-driven preemption, general purpose multiparty interaction mechanism, and selective waiting. A comprehensive set of race controls allows to customize scheduling using dynamic priority, select preference, and forerunner control. The built-in facilities include: -- lists and queues -- circular buffers -- threads -- processes -- interrupt service processes and interrupt controller management -- real-time clock and time managemennt -- interrupt locks -- binary and counting semaphores -- critical regions -- unbuffered channels -- buffered channels -- memory pools manager -- concurrent reading and writing -- process termination Interactors can execute in a small hardware configuration, for which the library can be adapted by the user. Application-level objects are statically or dynamically created using C++ declarations and function calls, without using configuration tables. Interactors is configured for Zortech C++ version 2.0, and is compatible with the C++ source-level debugger. For more information contact us my mail or e-mail. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | Objective: Systems | Louis Lamarche | CP 265, Ville Mont-Royal | bilbo@ireq.hydro.qc.ca | QC, Canada, H3P 3C5 |