[comp.lang.c++] Flaming Beginners Considered Harmful

cline@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Marshall Cline) (05/10/90)

Brian Donat (article <4143@infmx.UUCP> briand@infmx.UUCP) recently posted
his opinions of several OOP/C++ books.  Brian freely admitted he was a
beginner to the subject.

George W. Leach (article <1990May8.185818.9259@pdn.paradyne.com>
reggie@dinsdale.paradyne.com) corrected (rather gave alternate views of)
numerous points from Brian's posting, but then George elected to close
with a personal flame which was entirely (IMHO) uncalled for.

Brian Donat:
>And that's the experience of one person who has recently
>learned both OOP and C++. 

George Leach replies:
>   Somehow, I doubt you have learned either yet.

Andrew Koenig has recently stated that the number of C++ users doubles every
9 months.  This exponential growth means that a half the world's C++ users
have less than 9 mos experience, which implies a *tremendous* need for

I am saddened by George Leach's nasty remark.  If we desire to see OOP
succeed, we have a responsibility to the neophyte to ensure their questions
are courteously answered.  It is appropriate to correct misinformation, but
it is entirely inappropriate to make a beginner feel they should never post
to comp.lang.c++ again.  No one likes answering `Are there any good C++
books out there?' for the 17 thousanth time, but someone's got to help
educate those who are starting, just as someone helped each of us.

I say that we should treat newcommers with respect and dignity.  Bashing
them in the head, even if they were wrong, won't help in the long haul.

Marshall Cline

Marshall Cline/ECE Department/Clarkson University/Potsdam NY 13676/315-268-3868
 cline@sun.soe.clarkson.edu, bitnet: BH0W@CLUTX, uunet!clutx.clarkson.edu!bh0w
  Career search in progress: ECE faculty. Research oriented. Will send vita.