[comp.lang.c++] AT&T C++ 2.0 internal error on Encore Multimax

matthew@cs.ua.oz.au (Matthew Donaldson) (05/25/90)

I have recently been atempting to install AT&T C++ 2.0 on an Encore Multimax
running Umax 4.2.  I have got as far as making the "scratch" compiler, but
when I try to run it, cfront bombs out with this error:

internal <<AT&T C++ Translator 2.00 06/30/89>> error:  4272180-> base type::dcll_print( 85)

I traced this back to a routine called "simpl_init" in simpl..c - some sort
or initialisation.  The actual error occurs in dcl_print.  This is the
traceback (without symbols):


I think the top one has something to do with the internal error routine
itself.  From the code where it occurred, it appears that it might be either
because dcl_print is being called with a bad parameter of some sort
(the offending line is in the "default" of a switch stmt), or because
it is not being called from an error printing routine (it examines a variable
set in the error-printing routine).

Has anyone else had this error message or one like it?

Matthew Donaldson
Operating Systems Group
Computer Science Department
University of Adelaide
Matthew Donalson                        Phone   : +61 8 228 5309
Department of Computer Science          Telex   : UNIVAD AA89141
University of Adelaide                  Fax     : +61 8 223 1206
GPO Box 498 Adelaide SA 5001            ACSnet  : matthew@cs.ua.oz
AUSTRALIA                               Internet: matthew@cs.ua.oz.au

rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) (05/29/90)

In article <MATTHEW.90May25151008@berlioz.ua.oz.au> matthew@cs.ua.oz.au (Matthew Donaldson) writes:
>I have recently been atempting to install AT&T C++ 2.0 on an Encore Multimax
>running Umax 4.2.  I have got as far as making the "scratch" compiler, but
>when I try to run it, cfront bombs out with this error:
>internal <<AT&T C++ Translator 2.00 06/30/89>> error:  4272180-> base type::dcll_print( 85)
>Has anyone else had this error message or one like it?

Yes.  One of my test cases contains code that produces an abort message kinda
like your and it also mentions dcl_print.

// Ron Guilmette (rfg@ics.uci.edu)
// C++ Entomologist
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.