[comp.lang.c++] Where to FTP NIH Class?

aaron@rruxh.UUCP (Akman) (05/25/90)

I'm sure this has been asked-to-death, but where can I FTP these
infamous NIH classes from?  Are they free?  Is there a C++
implementation?  Is that the only implementation?  Does everyone
agree that they are great, generic, respectably fast/small, useful
for real work?  Or is there more to the story than just:  download
'em, compil 'em, and become orders of magnitude more productive?

Aaron Akman, 201-699-8019, bellcore!rruxh!aaron, RRC 4D-728

bk19+@andrew.cmu.edu (Bradley D. Keister) (05/25/90)

I've also been looking but haven't seen an FTP site posted for the NIH
classes for quite some time.  Is there one?

Brad Keister
Physics Dept.
Carnegie Mellon U


rich@Rice.edu (Carey Richard Murphey) (05/26/90)


alw.nih.gov ( in file pub/nihcl-2.204.tar.Z

880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) (05/26/90)

In article <caLJwIa00VoN4Dhmd=@andrew.cmu.edu> bk19+@andrew.cmu.edu (Bradley D. Keister) writes:
>I've also been looking but haven't seen an FTP site posted for the NIH
>classes for quite some time.  Is there one?

Try prep.ai.mit.edu in directory /pub/gnu

- Dave

Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA
Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia

tomr@ashtate (Tom Rombouts) (05/30/90)

In article <AARON.90May25113047@rruxh.rruxh.UUCP> aaron@rruxh.UUCP (Akman) writes:
>I'm sure this has been asked-to-death, but where can I FTP these
>infamous NIH classes from?  Are they free?  Is there a C++
>implementation?  Is that the only implementation?  Does everyone
>agree that they are great, generic, respectably fast/small, useful
>for real work?  Or is there more to the story than just:  download
>'em, compil 'em, and become orders of magnitude more productive?

As a comment to those (like myself) without FTP, I notice that 
Autin Code Works (512) 258-0785 now sells V 2.204 of the NIH
Class Library for $35.  (As well as the Rouge Wave Vector & Matrix
Classes for $125 and the "Using C++" (Eckel) diskette for $25)

Tom Rombouts, Torrance Techie  Voice: (213) 538-7108