[comp.lang.c++] Turbo C++ and Turbo C

saeed@sunseeker.uucp (05/30/90)

Is the Turbo C++ a superset of the Turbo C compiler ? In other words can I
compile regular C code and use the same debugging environment with the 
Turbo C++ ? 
Can I write in turbo C++ and write windows programs or do I need
Microsoft C 5.0 to do the windows programming ?
Is Microsoft going to come up with a C++ compiler or is it already
available on the market?
All answers and comments are greatly appreciated. 

Bob.Stout@p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Bob Stout) (05/31/90)

In a message of <May 29 22:24>, UUCP (saeed@sunseeker.uucp
) writes:
 >Is the Turbo C++ a superset of the Turbo C compiler ? In other words can I
 >compile regular C code and use the same debugging environment with the 
 >Turbo C++ ? 

  Borland has stated that TC++ is to be their standard professional development 
system and that TC++ will always be a superset of TC. The fact that they 
dropped TC's price by $50 to reposition it against QC bears this out. For users 
this means that if you want their latest & greatest C compiler, you'll buy TC++ 
and use the C compiler bundled with it. If it weren't for C++, the C compiler 
bundled with TC++ would be called TC 3.0.

 >Can I write in turbo C++ and write windows programs or do I need
 >Microsoft C 5.0 to do the windows programming ?

  You can do Windows programming using Zortech C++ or MSC (current version is 
6.0, BTW), but not with TC or TC++. This may change in the future.

 >Is Microsoft going to come up with a C++ compiler or is it already
 >available on the market?

  They're holding a press conference soon where this will be discussed. The C++ 
compiler they were developing last year has reportedly been scrapped and 
they've started over from scratch. Educated guesses on availability suggest no 
sooner than early '91.