[comp.lang.c++] C++ Question/Dewhurst

aaron@rruxh.UUCP (Akman) (06/06/90)

I'm reading the Dewhurst, Stark text on C++, and I have a question
re Genericity:  I gather, from pp. 88-91, that using generic.h
macros to fake genericity is a standard way of doing business?  That
doesn't seem too pleasant to me...for the example discussed it would
also be possible to have a common base class for all things that
you'd like to be able to have collections of, and virtual base
functions (I might be misusing the terms) could be redefined in each
of the classes.  Like this:

	THING is an object, String is a THING and Complex is a THING.

Then declare a collection of THINGs and insert Strings into it, or
insert Complexes into it (as the case may be).

This method seems less annoying to me and you could keep lots of
common things in THING; the disadvantabe I see is that you couldn't
have "regular" types like char, int, double have THING as a base
class, so you'd have to invent myint, mydouble, etc.

Any thoughts from someone who has done this a bit?

Aaron Akman, 201-699-8019, bellcore!rruxh!aaron, RRC 4D-728

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (06/06/90)

In article <AARON.90Jun5132030@rruxh.rruxh.UUCP> aaron@rruxh.UUCP (Akman) writes:
>I'm reading the Dewhurst, Stark text on C++, and I have a question
>re Genericity:  I gather, from pp. 88-91, that using generic.h
>macros to fake genericity is a standard way of doing business? ...

Well, <generic.h> comes with the AT&T release of C++ version 2.0 and 2.1.
It is not part of the *language* (as defined by the reference manual).
So "standard" is probably not the correct term to use here.  It is
actually a stop-gap until templates (generic types) are part of the
C++ language, at which time <generic.h> will be obsolete.  But don't
dump those files yet, folks, it may be a while before we have

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com