[comp.lang.c++] Borland C++ upgrades

cohill@vtserf.cc.vt.edu (Andrew M. Cohill) (05/24/90)

So less than three months ago I purchased two copies of Borland C,
Professional, at $160 a pop.  Is Borland going to give me a free
upgrade, since it seems you can buy, as a special promotion, the C++
version for $99.

While I like Borland's approach to tool development, they stink at
customer support. Filling out and sending in registration cards for
Borland products is a joke.  In three years of using Borland products I
have never even once received an upgrade notice, information about new
products, or a damn thing.

Microsoft, on the other hand, is religious about keeping customers
informed.  When Word 4.0 (Mac) was late they kept sending out postcards
telling me when they thought it was going to be ready, and kept
apologizing for the delay.  Plust they make it very easy to obtain
upgrades by sending you product releases and order cards.

|          ...we have to look for routes of power our teachers never       
|              imagined, or were encouraged to avoid.   T. Pynchon          
|Andy Cohill         cohill@vtserf.cc.vt.edu  VPI&SU            

880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) (05/26/90)

In article <1457@vtserf.cc.vt.edu> cohill@vtserf.cc.vt.edu.UUCP (Andrew M. Cohill) writes:
>In three years of using Borland products I
>have never even once received an upgrade notice, information about new
>products, or a damn thing.

I must say that I have not shared your experience.  The only Borland product
that I have is Turbo Pascal.  I bought 4.0 locally.  Since then I have recieved
the upgrade offers for 5.0 & 5.5 (both of which I took advantage of).  I have
recieved other things from Borland ... I forget exactly what at the moment.

- Dave

Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA
Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia

steve@taumet.COM (Stephen Clamage) (05/26/90)

In article <1457@vtserf.cc.vt.edu> cohill@vtserf.cc.vt.edu.UUCP (Andrew M. Cohill) writes:
>While I like Borland's approach to tool development, they stink at
>customer support. Filling out and sending in registration cards for
>Borland products is a joke.  In three years of using Borland products I
>have never even once received an upgrade notice, information about new
>products, or a damn thing.

Over the years, I have bought many Borland products.  For each one I have
received upgrade notices, sometimes more than one (although never than more
than one of the special coupons).  I have friends for whom this is also true.

So we have one flame and one good report.  I'm sure there are more of
each, out there in netland.  Why don't you take up your complaints with

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com

lmhg0369@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (05/27/90)

Well, I have been a Borland customer since 1985 (CP/M!) and have always
heard from them whenever a new product came out.  This is even
for Borland products that I don't have, and yet they offer me the
"upgrade" price, specifically Paradox and Quattro.

Now, one thing Borland doesn't seem to do often is to pre-announce products.
Rather I hear about the products when they're ready.  I guess they
might lose some business because they don't have a habit of putting
out early notices, losing people who go out and buy something else.
But I've still waited for Borland C++ instead of buying Zortech.

If you've moved and didn't notify them, then perhaps there's a problem.

Now all we need is another (minor) upgrade to Sprint to get rid of some
of the quirks.  Too bad I'm so hooked....

L. Haskins -- l-haskins@uiuc.edu

loseke@suna4.cs.uiuc.edu (05/28/90)

I want to add my 2000 mcents in too!!! Borland has always sent me upgrade
notices.  I have even seen upgrade notices for products that I have already
upgraded to.  I always feel that they were worried that they missed me.

MSoft has also sent me notices, more than once sometimes, and being the
collector that I am, I have always responded.

What always impressed me about Borland, is that they have oftem sent me
offers to purchase many of their other products at a reduced price.  They
like my business!!!

Now....what am I going to do with that Window 3.0 upgrade and the Turbo Tools
upgrade at the same time?????

Dave Loseke    University of Illinois

jcotugno@KSP.Unisys.COM (Jim Cotugno) (05/29/90)

In article <1457@vtserf.cc.vt.edu> cohill@vtserf.cc.vt.edu.UUCP (Andrew M. Cohill) writes:
>While I like Borland's approach to tool development, they stink at
>customer support. Filling out and sending in registration cards for
>Borland products is a joke.  In three years of using Borland products I
>have never even once received an upgrade notice, information about new
>products, or a damn thing.

That's funny, I've gotten upgrade notices and new product announcements for
just about everything Borland sells.  I've never had a problem with them on
that point.

Jim Cotugno   

steck@corwin.CCS.Northeastern.EDU (paul a. steckler) (05/30/90)

In article <1457@vtserf.cc.vt.edu> cohill@vtserf.cc.vt.edu.UUCP (Andrew M. Cohill) writes:
>So less than three months ago I purchased two copies of Borland C,
>Professional, at $160 a pop.  Is Borland going to give me a free
>upgrade, since it seems you can buy, as a special promotion, the C++
>version for $99.
>While I like Borland's approach to tool development, they stink at
>customer support. Filling out and sending in registration cards for
>Borland products is a joke.  In three years of using Borland products I
>have never even once received an upgrade notice, information about new
>products, or a damn thing.

When I heard Turbo C++ was available, I called Borland for an upgrade
though I had not received my certificate.  As I explained to them,
I had moved since purchasing Turbo C, and I feared not getting the
upgrade notice.  They were kind enough to fulfill my order based 
solely on my disk serial numbber.  As it turns out, I DID get an
upgrade notice the following day.  Somehow, they had gotten my new
address, albeit with the wrong zip.  How many companies would fulfill an
upgrade on your say-so that you own the product? 

Also, I have received multiple upgrade notices for Pascal 5.5.

-- Paul Steckler     steck@eric.ccs.northeastern.edu

roott@lance.tis.llnl.gov (Tom Root) (05/31/90)

In article <1990May26.131842.3799@aucs.uucp> 880716a@aucs.UUCP (Dave Astels) writes:
>In article <1457@vtserf.cc.vt.edu> cohill@vtserf.cc.vt.edu.UUCP (Andrew M. Cohill) writes:
>>In three years of using Borland products I
>>have never even once received an upgrade notice, information about new
>>products, or a damn thing.
>I must say that I have not shared your experience.  The only Borland product
>that I have is Turbo Pascal.  I bought 4.0 locally.  Since then I have recieved
>the upgrade offers for 5.0 & 5.5 (both of which I took advantage of).  I have
>recieved other things from Borland ... I forget exactly what at the moment.
>- Dave
>Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA
>Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia
I have NEVER had any bad relations with Borland, I own their entire compiler
line, and others.  When I had bad disk problems, they expressed a new copy
to me. also I have received ALL upgrade notices even to programs I didn't
own, and I did get the discount.

Tom R.

richard@pantor.UUCP (Richard Sargent) (05/31/90)

> From: jcotugno@KSP.Unisys.COM (Jim Cotugno)
> Message-ID: <756@bbking.KSP.Unisys.COM>
> That's funny, I've gotten upgrade notices and new product announcements for
> just about everything Borland sells.  I've never had a problem with them on
> that point.

That's funny. I have filled in just about every product registration
card I have ever received, and almost never have received upgrade
notifications. Not one from Borland, nor Zortech, nor Microsoft.

And, it's not as if Toronto, Ontario is in some benighted corner
of the third world. :-(  (Politics aside, of course :-)

This is pretty sad, considering that Canada represents about
a 10% market from North American sales (based on population).
That represents a lot of potential, but ignored, revenue.

Richard Sargent                   Internet: richard@pantor.UUCP
Systems Analyst                   UUCP:     ...!mnetor!becker!pantor!richard

kim@spock (Kim Letkeman) (06/05/90)

In article <76.UUL1.3#5109@pantor.UUCP>, richard@pantor.UUCP (Richard Sargent) writes:
| > From: jcotugno@KSP.Unisys.COM (Jim Cotugno)
| > Message-ID: <756@bbking.KSP.Unisys.COM>
| ...
| > That's funny, I've gotten upgrade notices and new product announcements for
| > just about everything Borland sells.  I've never had a problem with them on
| > that point.
| That's funny. I have filled in just about every product registration
| card I have ever received, and almost never have received upgrade
| notifications. Not one from Borland, nor Zortech, nor Microsoft.

Don't use crayon ... just kidding :):):):):):):):):):)

| And, it's not as if Toronto, Ontario is in some benighted corner
| of the third world. :-(  (Politics aside, of course :-)

A good friend of mine regularly gets upgrade notices from Borland over
here in Ottawa. Perhaps it's just the luck of the draw. Might be worth
sending a letter or making a call if you haven't had any luck.
Borland has gone through periods of shipping hundreds (thousands?) of
packages daily. This no doubt causes some strain on their support

| This is pretty sad, considering that Canada represents about
| a 10% market from North American sales (based on population).
| That represents a lot of potential, but ignored, revenue.

This generalization might be a bit sweeping considering the sample
size of 1.

Kim Letkeman    uunet!mitel!spock!kim

bwb@sei.cmu.edu (Bruce Benson) (06/07/90)

In article <711@corwin.CCS.Northeastern.EDU> steck@corwin.UUCP (paul a. steckler) writes:

>When I heard Turbo C++ was available, I called Borland for an upgrade
>though I had not received my certificate.  As I explained to them,
>I had moved since purchasing Turbo C, and I feared not getting the
>upgrade notice.  They were kind enough to fulfill my order based 
>solely on my disk serial numbber.  As it turns out, I DID get an
>upgrade notice the following day.  Somehow, they had gotten my new
>address, albeit with the wrong zip.  How many companies would fulfill an
>upgrade on your say-so that you own the product? 
Microsoft took my request for an upgrade to Windows 3.0 based upon my say so
over the phone (two upgrades, plus upgrade for Excel).  I asked the order
taker how they can do this, and she said "well, we just trust you".  Kinda
makes one want to go out and pay for all that shareware you've collected.

* Bruce Benson                   + Internet  - bwb@sei.cmu.edu +       +
* Software Engineering Institute + Compuserv - 76226,3407      +    >--|>
* Carnegie Mellon University     + Voice     - 412 268 8496    +       +
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890       +                             +  US Air Force

philip@Kermit.Stanford.EDU (Philip Machanick) (06/08/90)

In article <7457@fy.sei.cmu.edu>, bwb@sei.cmu.edu (Bruce Benson) writes:
> Microsoft took my request for an upgrade to Windows 3.0 based upon my say so
> over the phone (two upgrades, plus upgrade for Excel).  I asked the order
> taker how they can do this, and she said "well, we just trust you".  Kinda
> makes one want to go out and pay for all that shareware you've collected.
Hmm, yes. Of course, the "upgrade price" on many software products simply
reflects the fact that the dealer's cut has been removed...

Philip Machanick