[comp.lang.c++] attention C++ Language Lawyers!

roger@procase.UUCP (Roger H. Scott) (06/01/90)

Okay all you language lawyer types, here's a fun one for you.
Which, if any, of the following are legal?  Which, if any, should be?

    typedef unsigned GlobalBit : 1;

    GlobalBit ASingleBit;

    GlobalBit AnArrayOfBits[6]; // shave and a hair cut, ...

    struct {
	GlobalBit aBitMember;
	GlobalBit anArrayOfBitsMember[6];
    } AStructContainingVariousGlobalBits;

    struct {
	typedef unsigned StructBit : 1;

	StructBit aBitMember;
	StructBit anArrayOfBitsMember[6];
    } AStructContainingVariousStructBits;

If you like fireworks try feeding this stuff to cfront.  I'd be curious to
hear what g++'s reaction to this code is.

kells@iis.UUCP (Kevin Kells) (06/03/90)

In article <157@logo.procase.UUCP> roger@procase.UUCP (Roger H. Scott) writes:
>I'd be curious to hear what g++'s reaction to this code is.

g++ 1.37.1 crashes with a fatal signal at the point where it hits

>        typedef unsigned StructBit : 1;

in code similar to the code posted by Roger S., at least on our Sun3,
Sun4, Symmetry, and Convex. I posted the bug to gnu.g++.bug in case
anyone wanted to do the same.


Kevin D. Kells              Real-mail: Institut fuer Integrierte Systeme
uucp: kells@iis.UUCP                   ETH-Zentrum
Internet: kells@iis.ethz.ch            CH-8092 Zuerich    Phone
alternate: kdk@prism.gatech.edu        Switzerland        +41-1-256-5746

rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) (06/04/90)

In article <157@logo.procase.UUCP> roger@procase.UUCP (Roger H. Scott) writes:
>Okay all you language lawyer types, here's a fun one for you.
>Which, if any, of the following are legal?  Which, if any, should be?
>    typedef unsigned GlobalBit : 1;

This is illegal in ANSI-C and (by implication) also illegal in C++.

All of your subsequent uses of the typename GlobalBit are also illegal
because the typename itself was improperly declared.

// Ron Guilmette (rfg@ics.uci.edu)
// C++ Entomologist
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (06/04/90)

In article <157@logo.procase.UUCP>, roger@procase.UUCP (Roger H. Scott) writes:

> Okay all you language lawyer types, here's a fun one for you.
> Which, if any, of the following are legal?  Which, if any, should be?
> Why?

>     typedef unsigned GlobalBit : 1;

This isn't legal C and shouldn't be legal C++.
That renders all the following examples illegal too.

Cfront naively accepts it; thanks for pointing it out.
				--Andrew Koenig

roger@procase.UUCP (Roger H. Scott) (06/08/90)

In article <10896@alice.UUCP> ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) writes:
>In article <157@logo.procase.UUCP>, roger@procase.UUCP (Roger H. Scott) writes:
>>     typedef unsigned GlobalBit : 1;
>This isn't legal C and shouldn't be legal C++.
>That renders all the following examples illegal too.

I don't doubt that the global case is/should be illegal.  How so
does it rended the class-scope cases illegal?  What is the reasoning