[comp.lang.c++] Borland Turbo C++, Preliminary review

morris@dms.UUCP (Jim Morris) (06/09/90)

Partial review of Borland Turbo c++ Professional.

      Overall I am happy with it, the bugs I thought I found turned out to be 
      strict adherence to the latest AT&T C++ spec. For instance they 
      enforce the rule against a declaration following a conditional.

      The only real bug I have found is the error I get with the following 

	class test{
		.... classy stuff

	remove_vec(Test **ppt, len)
		delete [len] *ppt; // This generates an error
				   // *ppt is reported as a type mismatch
      the work around is:

		delete [len] ppt[0];

      which apparently works. (According to Borland Tech support).

      I also have a 74 line routine that reports an out of memory error when 
      compiled under the IDE but works fine when compiled from the DOS 
      prompt. Other larger routines compile ok. If I split the routine
      into two it compiles. There are no complex constructs in the routine 
      either, very strange.

      The IDE (Interactive developement environment??) is great, it is
      mouse driven (standard mouse interface). With overlapping windows
      etc. Limited debugging and inspection, good editing. You can also 
      launch or favourite editor, Turbo Debugger, profiler and any app
      from a menu!!

      The Turbo Debugger is an improved version of the old one, with
      the mouse driven interface, (or keyboard). I found two nasty
      stack corrupting bugs in my c++ program very quickly with it.
      It is a very effective tool, it also knows about c++ for class
      browsing etc.

      One disappointment is that TD386 (The protected mode version of
      the debugger, for hardware watchpoints etc) is not VCPI compliant
      and does not work with QEMM or 386^MAX. Although there is a TD286
      which will work with the memory managers, and uses EMS to keep the
      memory overhead down.

      I am also very satisfied with Borlands tech support on compuserve, I 
      post the message in the evening, and there is a very knowledgeable 
      reply waiting for me the following afternoon. (Actually usually
      the next morning!).

      Nice one Borland!!

Jim Morris.         {motcsd|weitek}!dms!morris or morris@dms.UUCP 
Voice	(408) 434-3798
Atari Games Corporation, 675 Sycamore Drive, Milpitas CA 95035 USA
(Arcade Video Game Manufacturer, NOT Atari Corp. ST manufacturer).