[net.sf-lovers] Luke Strikes First?

larry (12/20/82)

	In an earlier article, somebdy thought that in both "major"
battles between Luke and Darth, that Luke started the attack.  This is
wrong.  In the cave, Luke ignites his lightsaber first, but only holds
in in front of him -Darth makes the first lunge.  HOWEVER in the carbon
freezing chamber, Luke definitely does make the first move.  The
"restarts" of this fight have: Darth with light saber drawn, but instead
"throws" things at Luke; and Darth almost surprising Luke with the 1st

	Some "other" thoughts: The Star Wars flicks are fantasy and
basically follow a generic good-guys vs. pirates "swashbuckler".  The
movies are (for the most part) aimed at the "young" (pre-teen to early
teen) audience.  Based on this, OB-1 can NOT have lied and Darth MUST
have lied -- Darth is NOT Luke's dad.  (I'll bend somewhat that Darth
maybe a clone, but I doubt it)  Also based on these ideas, I doubt that
Leia will have ANYBODIES baby (to be the "other").

	With the whole Star Wars being a triology of triolgies, what are
the 1st and 3rd tri's about??  Well, I recall an interview with Lucas
somewhat after SW4-ANH is a big hit.  In it he spoke of the next flick
(SW5-TESB), but more important, he mentions that the original idea for
episode 4 was supposed to play of the 'droids more!  It wasn't until the
"studio empire" told him that he had to punch up the human parts (or no
flick) that Luke (and the others) became major characters.  Now since
Lucas can call all the shots, I'll bet that the overall 9 movies are
about Artoo and Seepio.  (clever the way Lucas pick their model-numbers
so that they "sound" like names! --[[ OB-1?? ]])

	One more thought on "the other" -- who or whatever it may be --
it doesn't HAVE to be Jedi.  Remember, Yoda tells Luke that the future
is "difficult to tell... clouded by emotions".  I suspect that there
really won't be any new characters (not major ones at least), but that
the "other" hope will be Leia's love for Luke.  Luke is obviously taken
in by her from the first time Artoo projects her image.  Poor confused
Leia in episode's 4 & 5 has been balancing between Luke and Han.  In
RotJ, I think she'll realy pick one --Luke.  Han will really turn out to
be "Mr SOLO" --and not want to settle down.  (that or else some other
beauty will turn his head)


			Larry Marek