[comp.lang.c++] ZTCPP bug !?!?

880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) (06/06/90)

I get the following message:

ZTCPP bug: 36517

What is that supposed to mean ???

- Dave Astels

Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA
Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (06/09/90)

In article <1990Jun6.130923.4049@aucs.uucp> 880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) writes:
<I get the following message:
<ZTCPP bug: 36517
<What is that supposed to mean ???

It means you found a bug in the compiler. Please reduce the source to the
smallest possible that exhibits the problem, and email it to me so it can
be fixed. Thanks.

pnl@hpfinote.HP.COM (Peter Lim) (06/12/90)

> <I get the following message:
> <ZTCPP bug: 36517
> <What is that supposed to mean ???
> It means you found a bug in the compiler. Please reduce the source to the
> smallest possible that exhibits the problem, and email it to me so it can
> be fixed. Thanks.
> ----------

Not necessary so ! Just likely to be.

It all depends on your luck. When I first installed Zortech C++ on
my machine (which had trouble reading 360K disk so I have to copy the
original disk onto HI density disks before I install), I ended up with
ZTCPP bug: ????? (some 5 digit number) when compiling some of the sample

After writing a comment in my registration card when I mail it to
Zortech, I redo the installation and got everything right !

The problem ? There's an error when I copy from 360K to HI density
disks. Just copy again and it works !!!

Just a personal experience  --  another possibility  :-).

Regards,                       ## Life is fast enough as it is ........
Peter Lim.                     ## .... DON'T PUSH IT !!          >>>-------,
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E-mail:  plim@hpsgwg.HP.COM     Snail-mail:  Hewlett Packard Singapore,    :
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  ... also at: pnl@hpfipnl.HP.COM            Singapore   0410.           SPLAT !