[comp.lang.c++] Help on C++ compiler and debugger which supports multiple inheritance

sukan@murphy.UUCP (Sukan Makmuri) (06/14/90)

We are developing an Object-oriented network management system, using the
latest version of g++ and gdb.  We are having problems in compiling code which 
uses multiple inheritance (m.i.) with g++ and gdb. 

I can only get cfront-based "compilers" from Sun and ParcPlace which supports 
m.i..  Other compilers are not available as general release until a few weeks 
from now.  We are in desperate need of a *working* compiler and debugger which 
handle m.i. (better yet, as much functionality of C++ 2.0 as possible), and 
would appreciate if you could point to such tools.

I don't have news feed, and my internal gateway are not recognized by the
outside world yet, so please reply directly to : sukan@tcs.com, or if uucp:
.....!ucbcad!tcs.com!sukan. If you'd like to have the result of this inquiry,
please send me mail, not to the usenet community.


(415) 649-3784.