[comp.lang.c++] Turbo C++ and METAWINDOW and VROOM

pdevries@watserv1.waterloo.edu (Peter DeVries) (06/29/90)

Are there any other users of MetaWindows products out there who are in the
process of moving to Turbo C++ ??

We are currently in a bind as MetaGraphics has told us that they have no 
plans to support Metawindows compiled with Turbo's VROOM package. They have
told us that noone else has asked for it, and they do not believe that it
is a long term product since Borland has recently purchased the rights to a 
DOS extender.      

We are hoping there are other users of MetaWindows out there who could 
definately benefit from a release of this product using VROOM. We 
encourage you to phone MetaGraphics and make this known to them.


Peter DeVries
Mutual Life of Canada
c/o  pdevries@watserv1.waterloo.edu
(519) 888-3523, (416) 972-0594