[comp.lang.c++] Intro to C++ book wanted

ryan@sjuphil.uucp (Patrick M. Ryan) (06/28/90)

Can someone recommend a good general purpose introductory text to
programming in C++?  I am already versed in C but not in OOP in

Please reply via email.


patrick m. ryan                                                 saint joseph's
ryan@sju.edu  /  ryan%sjuphil.sju.edu@bpa.bell-atl.com              university
{bpa|burdvax|princeton|rutgers}!sjuphil!ryan                      philadelphia
pmr@gemini.gsfc.nasa.gov                                          pennsylvania

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (06/30/90)

In article <1990Jun28.013550.11055@sjuphil.uucp> ryan@sjuphil.UUCP (Patrick M. Ryan) writes:
>Can someone recommend a good general purpose introductory text to
>programming in C++?  I am already versed in C but not in OOP in

There's enough new C++ programmers coming on line that this question gets
asked about every other week -- which is good -- it shows how the language
is growing.  So I'll post the following book list, which tries to 
suggest the best, most popular books in a reasonable order for a C++
newcomer to purchase:

1) A very quick, simple walk-though of C++ features with examples on disk:

Teach Yourself C++, Al Stevens, MIS Press 1990

2) The most popular, most highly recommended general text to C++:

A C++ Primer, Stanley B. Lippman, Addison-Wesley 1989

3) An excruciatingly detailed language lawyer description of the language today:

The Annotated C++ Reference Manual, Margaret Ellis & Bjarne Stroustrup,
Addison-Wesley 1990

4) How to do object-oriented programming -- but the C++ examples are weak:

Object Oriented Design with Applications, Grady Booch, 
Benjamin-Cummings  "1991" [but available now]

5) The original C++ text -- but needs to be updated to the 2.1 version of C++:

The C++ Programming Language, Bjarne Stroustrup, Addison Wesley 1986

6) Excellent worked answers to the above book:

The C++ Answer Book, Tony L. Hanson, Addison-Wesley 1989

7) You read all this already?  Then read the last couple years of OOPSLA
proceedings and C++ conferences and workshops, get a subscription to
Journal of Object Oriented Programming and The C++ Report, read the
major texts on Smalltalk and Eiffel, read notes, and program, program,