[comp.lang.c++] Turbo C++ and cout

chin@sg1.chem.upenn.edu (Chin Wu) (07/01/90)

Following codes behave differently in Turbo C++ and G++. I am not so
sure is this difference due to different version of stream used in
these two compilers or is it a bug in Turbo C++.

#include <stream.h>  --> change to #include <iostream.h> in Turbo C++

int test(int& x)
    x = 10;
    return 100;

    int x = 200;
    cout << test(x) << '\n' << x << '\n';
Turbo C++ output : 100
G++ output	 : 100

mike@taumet.com (Michael S. Ball) (07/01/90)

In article <CHIN.90Jul1025412@sg1.chem.upenn.edu> chin@sg1.chem.upenn.edu (Chin Wu) writes:
>Following codes behave differently in Turbo C++ and G++. I am not so
>sure is this difference due to different version of stream used in
>these two compilers or is it a bug in Turbo C++.
>Turbo C++ output : 100
>		   200
>G++ output	 : 100
>		   10

The result of the code depends on the order in which different parts
of an expression are evaluated.  That order is undefined, and code which
depends on evaluation order is highly non-portable.  We seem to go
through this periodically in these newsgroups.  I am tempted to say
that all compilers should warn about these situations just to reduce
traffic on usenet.  (Ours doesn't, but I'm getting very tempted.....)

Mike Ball
TauMetric Corporation