[comp.lang.c++] Questions on X.25, SunOS 4.0.3 vs 4.1, and SparcStation 1+

sukan@murphy.UUCP (Sukan Makmuri) (07/04/90)

Questions on X.25, SunOS and Sparcstation 1+:

1. Can we run SunOS 4.0.3 on a Sparcstation 1+.  What problems have you run 

2. What are we missing by using 4.0.3 instead of 4.1 (besides the ones
   listed in the SunOS 4.1 Release Notes.)

3. Currently we are running 4.0.3 on a Sparc server and 4.1 on the workstations
   with local disk. How can a workstation switch back and forth between 4.0.3
   and 4.1 without too much hassle (granted we need more disk space) ?  
   What are the pros and cons?

3. Can SunLink X.25 run on SunOS 4.0.3, and if yes, what version, what problems
   exist, and what patches are needed?

4. What problems do you encounter when running Sun C++ 2.0 on SunOS 4.0.3?

Thanks for the info, and I'd appreciate email-ing the result, unless if this is
a general enough answer.

Sukan Makmuri				Internet: sukan@tcs.com
					uucp: ....!ucbcad!tcs!sukan
Teknekron Communications Systems Inc.   Tel: +1 (415) 649-3784
					FAX: +1 (415) 649-3600