[comp.lang.c++] problems with [] operator

reberhar@ethz-inf (Rolf Georg Eberhardt) (06/28/90)

hi everybody,

I've encountered a problem concerning the [] operator. I've defined following class:

typedef class foo *foo_p;
class foo {
  foo_p	next, list;		// each object of foo may contain a list of other "foo's"
  foo_p operator [] (ndx);

foo_p foo::operator [] (ndx) {
  foo_p tmp = list;

//  ... run thru list starting at list and return the ndx'th element


I get following error msg's : 

void foo::do_something(foo_p b) {
  list[i]->next = b; 		// error : non pointer -> next	
  b->next = a[i];		// error : bad assignment type: foo_p = foo

In all C++ books I've looked into the []-operator must return a reference. Why - on the other 
hand - does following code compile and run correctly ?

typedef class bb *bb_p;

class bb {
  bb_p next;
  int  key;
  // etc...

class cc {
  bb_p list;
  bb_p operator[] (int ndx);		// same code as above

void main() {
  cc c;
  // do some initializing ..

  c[2]->key = 4;
  cout << c[2]->key;

thanks in advance for your advice

-- rolf eberhardt
-- ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
-- e-mail : reberhar@inf.ethz.ch

vaughan@puma.cad.mcc.com (Paul Vaughan) (06/29/90)

From: reberhar@ethz-inf (Rolf Georg Eberhardt)

   hi everybody,

   I've encountered a problem concerning the [] operator. I've defined following class:

   typedef class foo *foo_p;
   class foo {
     foo_p	next, list;		// each object of foo may contain a list of other "foo's"
     foo_p operator [] (ndx);

   foo_p foo::operator [] (ndx) {
     foo_p tmp = list;

   //  ... run thru list starting at list and return the ndx'th element


   I get following error msg's : 

   void foo::do_something(foo_p b) {
     list[i]->next = b; 		// error : non pointer -> next	
     b->next = a[i];		// error : bad assignment type: foo_p = foo

list is a foo*, list[i] is a foo--not the result of applying the
operator [] to a foo, just the usual array [] on a foo*.  Try
(*list)[i] if you wanted to invoke foo::operator[].

   In all C++ books I've looked into the []-operator must return a reference. Why - on the other 
   hand - does following code compile and run correctly ?

   typedef class bb *bb_p;

   class bb {
     bb_p next;
     int  key;
     // etc...

   class cc {
     bb_p list;
     bb_p operator[] (int ndx);		// same code as above

   void main() {
     cc c;
     // do some initializing ..

     c[2]->key = 4;
     cout << c[2]->key;

The operator[] can return whatever you want--no restriction to
references.  That's just a common usage.  Here c is a cc (not a cc*, like above),
thus c[2] invokes cc::operator[] which returns a bb*.  The bb* (being
a pointer) can be deferenced using -> to get the key field, so the
code compiles fine.
 Paul Vaughan, MCC CAD Program | ARPA: vaughan@mcc.com | Phone: [512] 338-3639
 Box 200195, Austin, TX 78720  | UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!vaughan

 Paul Vaughan, MCC CAD Program | ARPA: vaughan@mcc.com | Phone: [512] 338-3639
 Box 200195, Austin, TX 78720  | UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!vaughan

hannum@mahler.psu.edu (Charles Hannum) (07/06/90)

In article <27893@ethz-inf.UUCP> reberhar@ethz-inf (Rolf Georg Eberhardt) writes:

   In all C++ books I've looked into the []-operator must return a reference.

You just answered your own question [B-)].  "Reference to T" and "pointer to T"
are NOT the same.  They are stored the same internally, but "reference to T" is
treated exactly as if it were a "T", whereas "pointer to T" is distinct.

For example, if one declares:

  struct foobar {
    int bar;
  } foo[20];

foo[] returns a foobar, not a foobar*.  To demonstrate:

  foo[10]->bar = 0;		// error: non-pointer -> bar
  (&foo[10])->bar = 0;		// ok (In this case, we're forcing it to treat
				   foo[] as a pointer by using the & operator.)

This is what you really wanted to say before:

  foo[10].bar = 0;

The reader can extrapolate this to the previous case.
Charles Martin Hannum		 "Those who say a thing cannot be done should
Please send mail to:		  under no circumstances stand in the way of
hannum@schubert.psu.edu		  he who is doing it." - a misquote

hannum@mahler.psu.edu (Charles Hannum) (07/06/90)

In article <1990Jul6.125741.28182@acc.stolaf.edu> hannum@mahler.psu.edu (Charles Hannum) writes:

   foo[] returns a foobar, not a foobar*.  To demonstrate:

Er, before someone else corrects me, let me do it myself:

   foo[] returns a foobar&, not a foobar*.  To demonstrate:

Charles Martin Hannum		 "Those who say a thing cannot be done should
Please send mail to:		  under no circumstances stand in the way of
hannum@schubert.psu.edu		  he who is doing it." - a misquote