[comp.lang.c++] Request for InterViews Review

jordan@dinl.uucp (james jordan) (07/03/90)

I am curious about InterViews.
  o  What was your general impression of this library?
  o  Did it speed up development?
  o  How easy was it to learn/use?
  o  What were its limitations - how extensible was it - how flexible??
I've never used c++ or x-windows; however the project I'm on plans to.
We have a complex user interface to implement which consists of a 
hierarchy of graphical objects the user can navigate down into 
(eg.. he clicks on  parent object to display the next screen containing 
all the child objects - of course he can also make queries about any of
these objects.)  A graphical editor is needed to assemble  & change the
hierarchy as well as an informational scrolling text area and pull down 
menus.  We are considering using InterViews.  If you have used InterViews
I would appreciate your comments and impressions. 
What other toolkits can you recommend/suggest?  (We are on Sun 3's).

I apologize if these questions have appeared previously
but I'm fairly new to the network.


Jim Jordan
NET:     ncar!dinl!jordan
US-MAIL: Martin Marietta I&CS, MS XL8058, P.O. Box 1260,
         Denver, CO 80201-1260
Phone:   (303) 971-7976

rbm@cbnewsm.att.com (robert.murray) (07/05/90)

In article <1660@dinl.mmc.UUCP>, jordan@dinl.uucp (james jordan) writes:
> I am curious about InterViews.

There's a review of the Interviews package in the March
1989 C++ Report (starts on page 13).  You can
call (212) 274-0640 for back issues.

Rob Murray

AT&T Bell Labs


Editor, The C++ Report

johnson@m.cs.uiuc.edu (07/08/90)

One of my classes learned InterViews in two weeks and did some small
projects with it.  We found it easy to learn.  We didn't push it, so
it isn't really fair to say that we found it flexible, powerful, etc.,
but all in all I was favorably impressed and I would be happy to try
it for a more ambitious project.

Ralph Johnson -- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign