[comp.lang.c++] zortech upgrade

880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) (07/02/90)

I just recieved an upgrade notice from Zortech (for C++ 2.1).  I recall
someone saying that if you bought 2.0 after May 1, you could upgrade for
free.  There is no mention of this on the upgrade forms.

- Dave Astels

Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA        "I miss my old chair" - Kirk, Star Trek V
Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia

horstman@sjsumcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) (07/05/90)

In article <1990Jul1.170745.9757@aucs.uucp> 880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) writes:
>I just recieved an upgrade notice from Zortech (for C++ 2.1).  I recall
>someone saying that if you bought 2.0 after May 1, you could upgrade for
>free.  There is no mention of this on the upgrade forms.
Is there a similar break if one UPGRADED from 1.x to 2.0 after a certain
date? Frankly, I am pretty unhappy about first having paid big bucks to
get Zortech 2.0 Professional, only to find out that it was so buggy that
I ended up not using it (e.g. the fact that I couldn't have two member
functions X::f(int) and X::f(Y) with the same name and different args...).
Now they want to have another nontrivial amount (I believe $95) to
get the upgrade to 2.1. A complete Turbo C++ Professional only costs
me $139. 


dan@dyndata.UUCP (Dan Everhart) (07/06/90)

In article <1990Jul4.221202.29476@sjsumcs.sjsu.edu> horstman@sjsumcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) writes:

   date? Frankly, I am pretty unhappy about first having paid big bucks to
   get Zortech 2.0 Professional, only to find out that it was so buggy that
   I ended up not using it (e.g. the fact that I couldn't have two member
   functions X::f(int) and X::f(Y) with the same name and different args...).
   Now they want to have another nontrivial amount (I believe $95) to
   get the upgrade to 2.1. A complete Turbo C++ Professional only costs
   me $139. 

What disappointed me was that Zortech 2.0 didn't support pointers to
members, i.e. not the whole language.  On the other hand I didn't NEED
pointers to members.  The bugs I found in 2.0 were not show-stoppers
(that is until the latest one which appeared when I started using
virtual base classes).  Bugs are to be expected in early versions of
compilers in a competitive market, especially for a rapidly evolving
language.  What counts more to me is the vendor's attitude toward those

   Now they want to have another nontrivial amount (I believe $95) to
   get the upgrade to 2.1. A complete Turbo C++ Professional only costs
   me $139. 

Turbo C++ likely has bugs of its own, being a first release.  But you
have a point.  My own experience has been: 

ZTC++ v1.05			$100	(Wow, C++ for only $100)
library sources  		 $50	(Better have these...)
1.07 upgrade			free	(These bugs are killin' me)
2.0 dev. kit upgrade		$250	(Gotta have that slick debugger)
					$400 (subtotal)
(hypothetical) 2.1 upgrade	 $95	(hmmmmm....)
					$495 (total)

which is more than list price, way more than mail-order.  Moral: A low
introductory price will, in the long run, be compensated for (and
more) by upgrade costs.

Sofware companies LIKE upgrades.  1) They don't have to cut in the
dealer/distributor.  2) There's a lot more return on trying to sell an
upgrade to an existing customer than to sell a product to a new

In the Zortech vs Borland arena we have the interesting case of
Turbo's introductory price being comparable to ZTC's upgrade price!  I
am teetering over which to plunk the $$ on, and may wind up buying
both as insurance.

If you find a product truly unusable, yell at the manufacturer until he
refunds your money.  If he won't refund your money, give him as much
bad publicity as you can.

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (07/07/90)

In article <1990Jul1.170745.9757@aucs.uucp> 880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) writes:
<I just recieved an upgrade notice from Zortech (for C++ 2.1).  I recall
<someone saying that if you bought 2.0 after May 1, you could upgrade for
<free.  There is no mention of this on the upgrade forms.

It's an oversight. Call Zortech at 800-848-8408 for your free update.

eda@persoft.com (Ed Almasy) (07/09/90)

In article <1990Jul4.221202.29476@sjsumcs.sjsu.edu> horstman@sjsumcs.SJSU.EDU (Cay Horstmann) writes:
>Now they want to have another nontrivial amount (I believe $95) to
>get the [ZTC++] upgrade to 2.1. A complete Turbo C++ Professional only
>costs me $139. 

I had the same feeling up until a few days ago.

I'm currently evaluating TC++ and ZTC++ for an upcoming project, and
comparing the two on features quickly reveals some substantial
differences.  The library shipped with Turbo C++ is VERY sparse relative
to the Zortech library, almost so much so that if you're really hooked
on TC++ I would think about buying both and doing the work necessary on
the Zortech library source to use it with TC++. 

At least in some areas, this is a case of "you get what you pay for".