[comp.lang.c++] InterViews->Help! update

bp@beach.cis.ufl.edu (Brian Pane) (07/10/90)

A week or two ago I posted the problems I encountered while building
InterViews on a Sun 3.  Since several people have sent me either answers
to my questions or tales of similar problems, I've decided to post
what I've learned.

	* First, the distribution to get is the one on
	  interviews.stanford.edu.  This has a correct version of
	  the Xlib.h file which prompted my earlier posting.
	  Also, many people have independently hacked the
	  2.6 beta version of Xlib.h to get it to compile.

	* I got assembler errors when compiling the stream.c file.
	  The word from Stanford is that this results from an
	  incompatibility of formats between g++ and the Sun assembler
	  when static objects are used.  I solved this problem by
	  compiling the file by hand, replacing the 'CC' of make's
	  command line with 'g++.'  I guess the proper way to do
	  this is to define AS as gas (the GNU assembler) in the
	  configuration files before building CC.

	* In a couple of places, I had to make symbolic links named
	  'SUN3' to directories named 'mc68020.'

Once you get around these small problems (or avoid them in the first place),
InterViews should compile with no problems.  Thanks to everybody who
helped me in this endeavor.

-Brian Pane
Brian Pane	University of Florida Department of Computer Science
bp@beach.cis.ufl.edu		Class of 1991

"If you can keep your expectations         |#ifdef OFFENDED_ANYONE
 tiny, you'll get through life             |#  include "disclaimer.h"
 without being so whiny" - Matt Groening   |#endif