[comp.lang.c++] Does anyone have TCCNVT.EXE for TC++ ?

shite@unf7.UUCP (Stephen Hite) (07/07/90)

   Well, 6 weeks and $130 later I finally got Turbo C++.  They left out
the utility called TCCVNT.EXE which is documented on page 135 of the
TC++ User's Guide.  In fact, they don't even list it as one of the files
on their manifest!  This utility is very important (to me, anyway) because
it allows you to convert TCCONFIG.TC files to TURBOC.CFG and vice versa.
The utility used to be called TCCONFIG.EXE (TC 2.0) but this one won't
work with TC++.  Does anyone have it??  My distribution came on 3.5"
floppies.  Thanks for replying.

Steve Hite

wallis@labc.enet.dec.com (Barry L. Wallis) (07/14/90)

In article <281@unf7.UUCP>, shite@unf7.UUCP (Stephen Hite) writes...
>   Well, 6 weeks and $130 later I finally got Turbo C++.  They left out
>the utility called TCCVNT.EXE which is documented on page 135 of the
>TC++ User's Guide.  In fact, they don't even list it as one of the files
>on their manifest!  This utility is very important (to me, anyway) because
>it allows you to convert TCCONFIG.TC files to TURBOC.CFG and vice versa.
>The utility used to be called TCCONFIG.EXE (TC 2.0) but this one won't
>work with TC++.  Does anyone have it??  My distribution came on 3.5"
>floppies.  Thanks for replying.

I have a feeling that this one may end up going into Frequently Asked

There are two programs documented profusely in the Turbo-C++ documentation
(and README files) which were not included in the distribution. They were
TCCNVT, mentioned above, and PRJ2MAK which will take a Turbo-C++ project file
and turn it into a makefile.

When I contacted Borland tech support (both over the phone and via the net)
they said that the programs were not completed in time to distribute with this
version of the software. They said that there may be a maintenance release of
TC++ in the not too distant future and the programs (or their functionality)
should be included in that release. Additionally, Borland may decide to release
PRJ2MAK on their CompuServe forum prior to the next release.
Barry L. Wallis			USENET: wallis@labc.dec.com
Database Consultant		Prodigy (don't laugh): DNMX41A
U.S. DECtp Resource Center	DECUServe: EISNER::WALLIS (not on the net yet)
Los Angeles, CA			"No one voted for me, I represent myself"

dave@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Dave Goldblatt) (07/14/90)

Borland didn't include it because they didn't finish it in time for the
release.  In fact, it still isn't finished, and they don't know if/when
it will be.  PRJ2MAK also was not included for the same reason.

"You can twist perceptions	*	Dave Goldblatt	  dave@interlan.com
 Reality won't budge..."	*	Diagnostic Engineering
 		- Rush		*	Racal InterLan
				*	Boxborough MA     (508) 263-9929

Don_A_Corbitt@cup.portal.com (07/18/90)

>  Well, 6 weeks and $130 later I finally got Turbo C++.  They left out
> the utility called TCCVNT.EXE which is documented on page 135 of the
> TC++ User's Guide.  In fact, they don't even list it as one of the files
> on their manifest!  This utility is very important (to me, anyway) because
> it allows you to convert TCCONFIG.TC files to TURBOC.CFG and vice versa.
> The utility used to be called TCCONFIG.EXE (TC 2.0) but this one won't
> work with TC++.  Does anyone have it??  My distribution came on 3.5"
> floppies.  Thanks for replying.

> Steve Hite
> ...gatech!uflorida!unf7!shite 

OK, I've released a Turbo C++ Frequently Asked Questions message on the
various comp.os.msdos.programmer, etc groups, in response to a flame about
TC++ and Mouse (or something).  It answers this question, as well as 25 or
so others.  It is a long file, specific to a single vendors implementation
of C and C++.  If you have questions, I'd recommend tracking down that
message before it expires at your site.  I'll be updating it monthly, if 
I think about it.  It doesn't go into C++ funnies, because I don't know C++,
so I don't know the answers to frequently asked questions.

Don_A_Corbitt@cup.portal.com      Not a spokesperson for CrystalGraphics, Inc.
Mail flames, post apologies.       Support short .signatures, three lines max.