[comp.lang.c++] Book

grs@wucs1.wustl.edu (Guillermo Ricardo Simari) (07/20/89)

Is there a book (or books) that could be used in teaching
Object Oriented Programming? If you could not recommend any,
could you name a set of papers you would use? 
I will appreciate any help in this regard. I will post a summary 
of responses if I get any.
Thank you very much in advance,

Guillermo R. Simari                    Washington University
(grs@wucs1.wustl.edu)                  Department of Computer Science
                                       St. Louis, MO, 63130-4899, U.S.A. 

twl@cs.brown.edu (Ted "Theodore" (W) Leung) (07/19/90)

Does anyone know anything about the book "Designing Object-Oriented
Software" by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Brian Wilkerson, and Lauren Wiener,
published by Prentice-Hall?

Internet/CSnet: twl@cs.brown.edu 	| Ted "Theodore" Leung
BITNET: twl@BROWNCS.BITNET		| Box 1910, Brown University
UUCP: uunet!brunix!twl			| Providence, RI 02912

shap@thebeach.wpd.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) (07/19/90)

In article <TWL.90Jul18151642@boojum.cs.brown.edu>, twl@cs.brown.edu
(Ted "Theodore" (W) Leung) writes:
> Does anyone know anything about the book "Designing Object-Oriented
> Software" by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Brian Wilkerson, and Lauren Wiener,
> published by Prentice-Hall?

I reviewed the book when Prentice first looked at it.  It's pretty good,
though I feel it's a bit smalltalky for my tastes.  Thumb through it. 
It beats a lot of others I've seen.

Jon Shapiro
Silicon Graphics, Inc.