[comp.lang.c++] OOPS Job in Ireland

hbmc@ccvax.ucd.ie (07/21/90)

Be a Newman Scholar at the UCD, Belfield campus of the National University
of Ireland. 
A scholarship for research in Computer Science, tenable for up to three years,
sponsored by IBM(Ireland) Ltd. is offered at University College, Dublin,
Ireland. Applicants should have completed a Ph. D. and have a record of
achievement in research in Programming Methodology, particularly Formal
Methods,Specification Techniques and/or Object Oriented Programming.
An interest in research into applying these techniques in the area of parallel
programming would also be attractive to us. The Department of Computer Science
at UCD has groups active in AI, Networks and Distributed Systems, Programming
Methodology, VLSI, Image Processing and Office Systems.
The scholarship is a substantial one which will give the successful candidate
a nett income of more than 15000 Irish pounds per annum, enough to enable a
young researcher, married or single, to live comfortably but not
ostentatiously, in Dublin's fair city.
Further details from Anderson@ccvax.ucd.ie. Application forms may be obtained
from the Development Office, Room 221, Administration Bldg., University
College, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland (Reference Newman Scholar).Telephone
353-1-693244, Fax 353-1-694409.