[comp.lang.c++] Plus ca change ...

guthery@acw.UUCP (Scott Guthery) (07/23/90)

In a recent posting to comp.lang.c++, <uunet!samsung!umich!vela!schemers> 

>I have examined the NIH String class, and the GNU libg++ String class 
>and have designed my own class from the two.

Will somebody post the story about code reuse again?  I keep forgetting.

							Cheers, Scott

+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Austin Code Works +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+**+*+
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gary@dgcad.SV.DG.COM (Gary Bridgewater) (07/23/90)

In article <29.UUL1.3#913@acw.UUCP> guthery@acw.UUCP (Scott Guthery) writes:
>In a recent posting to comp.lang.c++, <uunet!samsung!umich!vela!schemers> 
>>I have examined the NIH String class, and the GNU libg++ String class 
>>and have designed my own class from the two.
>Will somebody post the story about code reuse again?  I keep forgetting.
>							Cheers, Scott
I forget the story too but the plot points go like this:
	a) each new c++ programmer is compelled to invent a new, ultimate
	    String class which is infinitely better than all existing ones.
	    This class must be used by the programmer in all code generated
	    - any code which is modified must also be converted to the new
	    version as well.  Only the most ignorant of co-workers will
	    fail to grasp the probity of this course.
	b) there is no PD (or locally pd) class which cannot be improved
	    - sadly, requiring it to be - henceforth - incompatible with
	    the older version.  Opportunities to make such improvements
	    should be actively sought.
	c) Efficiency is more important than anything.  Header files are a
	    waste of time and space.   Documentation is best done after the
	    project is completed when we will know exactly what the code does.
	    Given this, it is silly of management to expect programmers to
	    be able to share within the work group - indeed, secrecy is
	    important to each member lest credit be mis-applied.

Perhaps these points will remind you.
I think Roger Scott's tongue-in-cheek interpretation of NIH was a bit close
to the bone.  He brought it up here back when it was OOPS - then, of course,
he improved it. ;-)
Cheers, indeed.
Gary Bridgewater, Data General Corporation, Sunnyvale California
gary@sv.dg.com or {amdahl,aeras,amdcad}!dgcad!gary
C++ - it's the right thing to do.