[comp.lang.c++] problems compiling.

aw1r+@andrew.cmu.edu (Alfred Benjamin Woodard) (07/24/90)

I am having trouble getting my week class to compile. Assume that all
other things are taken care of in other parts of the source code. The
problem is that the compiler complains that there are syntax errors in
all the function definitions for the week class.

        void poptokens(int (*oktopop) (short,token*) );				//pop all the tokens for the class
        void inserttokens (int (*oktoinsert) (short,tlist) , int try);   	//insert the tokens that are ok to insert

but yet when I do this earlier in the source code when I define the
slot class it works fine.

        void poptoken(char slotnum, tlist *pool,int (*function)(short, token* ));	//pops the tokens from the slots and puts them in the pool

for the life of me I cannot see what the difference is and why the
compiler complains. What I am really trying to do is just pass the
function pointer through poptokens to poptoken because the consumer
will not see the poptoken function.

If you need to see any more of the source let me know. Below is the
actual code in which these two cases occur.

thank you very much


* slot class *

class slot: public tlist {
        void poptoken(char slotnum, tlist *pool,int (*function) (short, token* ));	//pops the tokens from the slots and puts them in the pool

void slot::poptoken(char slotnum, tlist *pool,int (*function)(short,token* ) ){
        int num=tlist::number();                                        //keeps a costant value of the number of tokens that were in the list
        for (int I=0; I<num; I++)                                       //iterates through all of the tokens
                if ( ( *function ) (slotnum, tlist::advance() ) ) {	//if the fuction called says it is a good idea to pop then it will
                        pool->add(tlist::current());                    //add it to the specified pool
                        tlist::del(tlist::current());                   //delete it from the other slot
                        tlist::backup();                                //move back one so the new current element gets looked at

* week class *

class week {
        slot slots[42];
        tlist pool;
        void poptokens(int (*oktopop) (short,token*) );				//pop all the tokens for the class
        void inserttokens (int (*oktoinsert) (short,tlist) , int try);   	//insert the tokens that are ok to insert

void week::poptokens(int (*oktopop) (short,token*) ){
        for (short I=0; I<43; I++)			//iterate through all of the tokens
                slots[I].poptoken(I,&pool, oktopop );    //pop the ones that should be popped
void week::inserttokens (int (*oktoinsert) (short,tlist) ,int try){
        num=pool.number();                      //keep a constan of the number of tokens that were in the pool
        for (int token=0; token<num; token++)   //iterate through all of the tokens in the pool.
                while (try>0) {                         //iterate through the number of tries.
                        slotnum=rand(42);                               //generate the random value of the token
                        if ( (*oktoinsert)(slotnum,pool.advance()) ) {  //if it is ok to insert then do so.
                                slots[slotnum].add(pool.current());             //add it to the slot that said it was ok
                                pool.del(pool.current());                       //delete it from the pool
                                pool.backup();                          //move back in the list so that the current element gets accesed.
