[comp.lang.c++] A good debugger for g++ ??

kovach@SRC.Honeywell.COM (Pete Kovach) (07/19/90)

Is there a GOOD debugger available for g++. I have been told that there is
no debugger for g++ comparable to that which comes if you BUY C++ for the
Sun. Is this true? If not, could someone direct me to a debugger PLEASE!
I intend to use InterViews with g++ so the debugger must be designed to handle 
this. Thanks in advance.

gwu@tcs.com (George Wu) (07/24/90)

In article <81677@srcsip.UUCP>, kovach@SRC.Honeywell.COM (Pete Kovach) writes:
|> Is there a GOOD debugger available for g++. I have been told that there is
|> no debugger for g++ comparable to that which comes if you BUY C++ for the
|> Sun. Is this true? If not, could someone direct me to a debugger PLEASE!
|> I intend to use InterViews with g++ so the debugger must be designed to
|> handle this. Thanks in advance.

     We've been using GNU's debugger: gdb.  Personally, I like it much
better than dbx.  However, it is limited by the fact that it cannot handle
multiple inheritance.  Michael Tiemann recently posted an article somewhere
to the effect that he is working on this problem and expects a new release
fairly soon.  InterViews is strictly single inheritance, so if you keep to
single inheritance in your code, you should have no problems.

     As for comparing Sun's dbx++ (as I've taken to calling it) to gdb, I
find the user interface of gdb friendlier.  Both have a few bugs in them,
but nothing major, except for gdb's lack of multiple inheritance support.
In fact, dbx++ ran into many more of those annoying little bugs: syntax
error responses to perfectly good commands; you must type this-> to access
class members; and for the life of me, we couldn't get the blasted thing to
run on SunOS 4.1.  However, the bottom line for us was to go to Sun's C++
environment because we needed debugging capabilities for code using
multiple inheritance.


George J Wu                           | gwu@tcs.com or ucbcad!tcs!gwu
Software Engineer                     | 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, 94704
Teknekron Communications Systems, Inc.| (415) 649-3752

George J Wu                           | gwu@tcs.com or ucbcad!tcs!gwu
Software Engineer                     | 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, 94704
Teknekron Communications Systems, Inc.| (415) 649-3752

tiemann@eng.sun.com (Michael Tiemann) (07/24/90)

	 We've been using GNU's debugger: gdb.  Personally, I like it much
    better than dbx.  However, it is limited by the fact that it cannot handle
    multiple inheritance.  Michael Tiemann recently posted an article somewhere
    to the effect that he is working on this problem and expects a new release
    fairly soon.  InterViews is strictly single inheritance, so if you keep to
    single inheritance in your code, you should have no problems.

I am glad you prefer gdb to dbx.  However, so that people don't hold
their breath too long: I am not sure how soon "soon" is.  It is on our
event horizon.  Whether it is ready in three weeks or three months or
three quarters is another matter.

Cygnus Support is now providing gdb support for the Free Software
Foundation.  This level of support amounts to one GNU-hacker's worth
of time, and should be roughly equivalent to what FSF has been
providing in the way of support for the past three years.  At this
rate of progress, MI support is still a long ways off.

There is an alternative to waiting: convince your management to have
somebody do the job.  By waiting, you may spend more time and effort
trying to skirt the problem then you would by just getting it out of
the way.
