[comp.lang.c++] debugging.

aw1r+@andrew.cmu.edu (Alfred Benjamin Woodard) (07/25/90)

as you have probably guessed by vitue of the fact that I have posted
three questions in as many days I am beginning a project in c++. I am
currently developing it with AT&T 1.2 under unix but will soon have to
change to Zoretec (latest version) under OS/2 (because we have not yet
recieved the OS/2 machines). What can I do to debug my c++ code? It
seem as if dbx will not let me inspect any variables inside of a class
because they are out of scope to the function that uses them. And when
I shift to OS/2 what can I use to debug in that enviroment or does
Zortech come with a reasonable debugger?


880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) (07/26/90)

In article <wafDzU200VBAM8nkx5@andrew.cmu.edu> aw1r+@andrew.cmu.edu (Alfred Benjamin Woodard) writes:
>I shift to OS/2 what can I use to debug in that enviroment or does
>Zortech come with a reasonable debugger?

Zortech (at least the DOS version) comes with a great debugger.

"I liked him better before he died" - McCoy, ST V
Dave Astels            |  Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA
PO Box 835, Wolfville, |  Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia