[comp.lang.c++] vec_new and vec_delete

us265806@mmm.serc.3m.com (Kurt W. Allen) (07/31/90)

I am attempting to use a c++ compiler to compile code for a 68000, but I the
manufacturer only supports 68030 libraries. I need to get ahold of the source
code, or a reasonable description of these run time routines. Specifically
I am in need of
_vec_new (several falvours)
_vec_delete (also several flavours).
These are all that I know of. main() and exit() are trivial and I have already
reversed engineered them, but I need more info on vec_new() and vec_delete().
Does AT&T distribute source for the run time libraries for a reasonable price?
If anyone has any info, I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
Kurt W. Allen

* rutgers!umn-cs!mmm!allen	*	Kurt W. Allen			      *
* 				*	3M/Digital Imaging Acquisition Center *