[comp.lang.c++] C++ archives ?

elev26@castle.ed.ac.uk (Gerard A. Allan) (07/31/90)

I have just started using C++ and am interested any good examples of
code and useful classes that are in the public domain. Is there a list of
anonymous ftp sites that have PD C++ software anywhere ? 
Are there any archive sites for C++ . 

The only stuff I know about so far is, 

comp.source.unix:volume7 image (image manipulation routines C++)

and there some via anonymous ftp at sperm.ocean.washington.edu []

		Version 2.2 of the "Rogue Wave" Vector package, for doing
		arithmetic operations, FFTs, and solving systems
		of linear equations.  Includes matrix classes.  Written
		in C++.
		Source code for the OOPS (=Object Oriented
		Programming Support) package written by Keith Gorlen of
		the National Institute of Health in the language C++.

If you know of any other software please either Email me direct or post
to the net. I will summerize all responses. 

Gerard A. Allan                                 | Post:  EMF
elev26@castle.ed.ac.uk                          |        Kings Buildings
JANET:elev26@uk.ac.ed.castle                    |        University of Edinburgh
Internet:elev26%castle.ed.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu |        Edinburgh
EARN/BITNET:elev26%castle.ed.ac.uk@UKACRL       |        Scotland
UUCP:elev26%castle.ed.ac.uk@ukc.uucp            |        EH9 3JL