[comp.lang.c++] object initialization syntax

root@wotk.UUCP (Superuser) (07/31/90)

I'm curious why the following syntax was chosen for initializing an instance
of a class -

MyClass X(1,2,3,);

instead of the syntax used in C aggregate data types -

MyStruct X = {1,2,3};
MyArray  X = {1,2,3};

Is it to emphasize the fact that a constructor function will be called?


Nick Hennenfent				Voice  404 475-2725
Computone Products			FAX    404 343-9735
1100 Northmeadow Parkway		Usenet ...!uunet!wotk!{nickh,root}
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Roswell, GA 30076

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (07/31/90)

root@wotk.UUCP writes:

>I'm curious why the following syntax was chosen for initializing an instance
>of a class -
>MyClass X(1,2,3,);
>instead of the syntax used in C aggregate data types -
>MyStruct X = {1,2,3};

The latter syntax says the first element gets 1, the second gets 2, etc.
For an ordinary (non-class) aggregate type, this is still valid in C++.

But there is no requirement that the parameters to a constructor bear
any relationship whatever to the data members of a class.  Using
data-aggregate initialization syntax to call a function would seem to
me to be confusing and non-intuitive.

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com