[comp.lang.c++] Zortech's 800 line won't take tech calls anymore

shite@unf7.UUCP (Stephen Hite) (07/31/90)

  Zortech's once touted 800 line that could be used for tech support is
no more.  I'm having an installation problem with ZTC++ 2.1 and when I 
called 1-800-848-8408 I got the obligatory "...let me give you the tech
support number (a.k.a non 800 number)".  After I griped that I should not
have to pay long distance phone charges for an install problem I was
switched over to tech-support who gave me a short answer (it was a wrong
answer at that).  Yo Zortech, how about investigating the problem with
me over the phone instead of trying to get rid of me with the first quick
answer you can come up with?

   I realize that Borland never had an 800 support number to begin with
but I distinctly remembering Walter B. in the last year in one of his
postings to comp.lang.c++ saying that the 800 number was one of the advantages 
Zortech had over its competitors (because you *could* get tech help).  You can 
still call their 800 number for shipping status or ordering but beyond that 
it's probably going to be your nickel.

  IMHO, no company can compete with Usenet for tech support answers unless
you're lucky enough to get a developer or hardware guru on the phone.  
Overall, the Net provides the most informative, in-depth help you can find. 
You can't beat the price ;).

Steve Hite


steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (08/01/90)

shite@unf7.UUCP (Stephen Hite) writes:

>Overall, the Net provides the most informative, in-depth help you can find. 
>You can't beat the price ;).

Once again, netters, the net isn't free.  SOMEBODY pays for it -- your
employer, your school -- someone.  Who provides the net computer, the modem
to connect to the net, the telephone lines, the price of the phone call,
the net subscription fee?  Believe me, there is someone at your
installation who knows it isn't free!

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com