[comp.lang.c++] Real C++ Applications

johnson@mycroft.ti.com (Doug Johnson) (08/02/90)

I'm trying to collect a list of "real" applications written in C++
For this purpose, a system gets more "real" as:

1) It gets larger.
2) It is in daily use for some purpose other than it's own
3) It is commerically marketed 
4) It is supporting some "important" part of a business e.g.; running
   a factory, designing turbine blades, planning corporate

If you`ve  written, use, or know of such applications, I'd like to
hear about it.  Don't worry, it won`t show up in some TI
advertisement, but don't tell me anything proprietary.  Could you tell

1) What does it do?
2) Who did it?
3) How big is it?
4) How long (calendar years and man years) did it take to write?
4) How many users does it have?
5) Is it being actively supported or marketed?
6) Was C++ being used as a better C or was object-oriented a major
part of the system structure?

Many thanks -- Doug