[comp.lang.c++] Object Oriented Book recommendation

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (06/12/90)

One weakness of C++ texts continues to be that they primarily address 
non-object-oriented issues of the language, leaving people with little
help on how to do object oriented programming in C++, or with little
knowledge of "what is object oriented programming."

Now there appears at least to be a good book addressing the second part
of the problem.  I have started reading Grady Booch's text, and find it
a very readable discussion on "what is object oriented programming."
Its the best text I've read on the subject [and I've read a *lot* of
them] and has the further advantage of being written in a non-language
prejudiced way.  [Most other books on the subject have been written by
one or another OOPL designer.]  So I recommend this text as being one 
of a handful of books on the first level of choice, that people should have.
[Not to imply its by any means perfect.]

Object Oriented Design with Applications
Grady Booch
Benjamin/Cummings 1991 [actually 1990, since its available in bookstores now]
ISBN 0-8053-0091-0

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (06/12/90)

I should have mentioned that Booch is *not* the book to learn C++ from!

ttsung@csduts1.lerc.nasa.gov (Amy Sung) (08/02/90)

	I am glad to see this kind of recommendations in this group.
	The top-down approach has been The scheme for years and, being
	a software person, I am trained to break a problem into
	procedures.  Recently, having a new assignment to look into the
	OODB and c++, I began to explore this new area (new to me, at least).
	I started with the "Programming in C++" by S. Dewhurst and K. Stark.
	Since not yet through with it (i.e., I am not yet a c++ person),
	I have not seen the benefit to depict a problem by means of classes
	and objects.  While I enjoy topics like language syntax or context,
	I would also like to know how this OO approach is different from 
	procedural one and recommendations to new c++ers.
Amy H. Sung
2001 Areospace Parkway			phone: 216 891-2922