[comp.lang.c++] Borland C++ - Coupons?

rthomps@utkux1.utk.edu (020R4BMH) (08/01/90)

utkcs2!emory!sol.ctr.columbia.edu... writes:

> Turbo C++ and Turbo Debugger/Tools Educational Price and Info:
> Turbo C++  	69.95
>	[ stuff deleted ]
> Students must order from coupons that we send to instructors.

Anyone inquiring about Borland C++ might want to hear 
what I just experienced...

I called Borland to see if I could order their C++ product
over the phone, and if not, how can I get them to send our 
departement some educational discount coupons...

I was met with a very SCHREWD saleslady who was very sarcastic
and was no help at all.

Does anybody know how to get Borland to send coupons?

I think I might wait for Microsoft-C++. I've never had any problems
with their salespeople.

	- Student

parkerw@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Parker Waechter) (08/01/90)

In the past, I have been able to send them a copy of my current registration
Microsoft will be nice, but even with student discounts their C 6.0 is like
$200.00+ or so.  But hey, it would be nice to be able to develope window apps
with C++...
Parker B. Waechter					UCLA Biocybernetics Lab
parkerw@cs.ucla.edu					4731 Boelter Hall
							Los Angeles, Ca.

stephens@motcid.UUCP (Kurt Stephens) (08/02/90)

	Knowing that find the coupons at my school would be almost impossible,
I ordered Turbo C++ with the education discount, by sending them proof
of enrollment.  I sent photocopies of my school ID and summer class
schedule.  I recieve my package two weeks later.  No hassles as all.

Kurt A. Stephens


Kurt A. Stephens				UUNET: ...!uunet!motcid!stephens
Motorola, Inc.					WORK: 708 632 4669
EMX2500 Release Group

joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) (08/02/90)

In article <37548@shemp.CS.UCLA.EDU>, parkerw@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Parker Waechter)
[Stuff deleted about discount policies, proof, etc...]
> But hey, it would be nice to be able to develope window apps
> with C++...

I got a call late last night from someone at Zortech who just read these 
postings.  They suggested I post (they are not able to do so) and make it
clear what Zortech's policy is and offer the following deal for people on
the net as proof of eligiblity for the discount.

Mail zortech-ed@proto.com with your phone number and if your return address
has a .EDU then you qualify and a Zortech salesperson will call you to close
the sale.  These requests will be forwarded to Zortech and you will get a
call (probably) within a few days.  The following should be also be of interest:

Zortech C/C++ has been provideing support for Windows AND OS/2 for several 
months now.  Zortech has been shipping a version that supports Rational 
Systems DOS extender since the first of July also (including support for 
graphics and mice).  There are numerous third party libraries to help easy 
the pain of developing for Windows also.  Zortech can mention some names if 
you ask for that information.

The following is the price list for the educational discounts, if you want 
a copy of the complete announcement mail a request to ztc-request@proto.com
and I will send it to you.


Zortech C++ Compiler	$75
Zortech C++ Developer's Edition	$200

Zortech C++ Compiler Educational Site License
Contains License for 10 users plus one set of documentation	$300

Zortech C++ Developer's Edition Site License
Contains License for 10 users plus one set of documentation	$750

Renee Pace
Educational Sales Representative
Zortech, Inc.
4-C Gill Street
Woburn, MA 01801

Tel: 	(617) 937-0696
FAX:	(617) 937-0793

FAX: 208-263-8772

880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) (08/03/90)

In article <37548@shemp.CS.UCLA.EDU> parkerw@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Parker Waechter) writes:
>But hey, it would be nice to be able to develope window apps with C++...

So use Zortech C++.

"I liked him better before he died" - McCoy, ST V
Dave Astels            |  Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA
PO Box 835, Wolfville, |  Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia