zq@eecg.toronto.edu (Qing Zheng) (07/29/90)
Does somebody know that the AT&T C++ task lib can work on sparc machine or somebody has ported it ? We are trying to use it to build a simulator but are concerned about its portability. Thank you in advance. my e-mail address : zq@eecg.toronto.edu or zq@eecg.utoronto.ca
gwu@nujoizey.tcs.com (George Wu) (08/04/90)
Our copy of the Sun C++ environment contains libtask. George ---- George J Wu | gwu@tcs.com or ucbcad!tcs!gwu Software Engineer | 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, 94704 Teknekron Communications Systems, Inc.| (415) 649-3752