[comp.lang.c++] AT&T C++ on HPUX 7.0

heldt@ece.wsu.edu (Tim Heldt) (08/03/90)

Can anyone give me suggestions on getting C++ 2.0 running on an
HP9000/375 under
HPUX 7.0?

I currently have it running on a 3b2/400 but due to performance reasons I would
prefer to have it running on the HP.


  | Tim Heldt             heldt@ece.wsu.edu         |
  | Systems Programmer    uunet!ece.wsu.edu!heldt   |
  |                                                 |
  | Electrical & Computer Engineering Department    |
  | Washington State University                     |
  | Pullman, WA  99164-2752                         |
  | (509) 335-6887                                  |

ericr@hpvcper.HP.COM (Eric Ross) (08/03/90)

HP sells C++ 2.0 with full C++ debuggers and development environments.  The
product information is as follows (from comp.sys.hp)

From darryl@hpuorfa.HP.COM Tue Jul 24 10:58:08 1990
Relay-Version: version Notes 2.8.2  87/11/24; site hpvcper.HP.COM
From: darryl@hpuorfa.HP.COM (Darryl J. Coppenhaver)
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 1990 17:58:08 GMT
Date-Received: Wed, 25 Jul 1990 16:54:54 GMT
Subject: Re: HP Softbench
Message-ID: <140013@hpuorfa.HP.COM>
Organization: Hewlett-Packard, SSR-Orlando
Path: hpvcper!hp-pcd!hpfcso!hpfcmgw!hpfcse!hpuorfa!darryl
Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp
References: <1990Jul13.133822.16320@hellgate.utah.edu>
Lines: 37

	Yes, C++ for HP-UX is indeed a product that you can order and
	get delivery of:

		C++ for 9000/300		B16991
		C++ for 9000/808 or 834CH 	92451A
		C++ for 9000/815 	 	92500A
		C++ for 9000/825/832/635 	92501A
		C++ for 9000/835/645	 	92542A
		C++ for 9000/840/845	 	92502A
		C++ for 9000/850/855	 	92503A
		C++ for 9000/870	 	92543A

	Notes: This is a full ATT C++ cfont 2.0 translater compatable 
	language system with c++ source debugger and contributed C++ examples.

	Next is c++ support for HP-SoftBench, the softbench is being extended 
	to support C++ (editor support, builder (make) support, static code
	analysis, and window source debugger. These products are not yet 
	shipping but will be out some time in the fall time frame.

	C++/SoftBench 9000/300
	License		B1636A
	Media & Manuals	B1637A
	Doc Set		B1640A

	C++/SoftBench 9000/800
	License		B1638A
	Media & Manuals	B1639A
	Doc Set		B1640A

	Call your local HP office for more details.

	Darryl Coppenhaver
	<< an employee of HP but not a spokesman for HP>>

bla@hpcupt1.HP.COM (Brad Ahlf) (08/04/90)

> HP sells C++ 2.0 with full C++ debuggers and development environments.  The
> product information is as follows (from comp.sys.hp)
> 		C++ for 9000/300		B16991

Typo alert:     C++ for 9000/300		B1691A

Both part numbers are needed for S300.  The HP C++/HP-UX technical data
sheet contains this typo too.