[comp.lang.c++] Stroustrup 2.0

hugo@spica.ucsc.edu (Hugo Calendar) (08/06/90)

Does anyone know when 2.0 is due out in bookstores?  I heard earlier
from from Ira Pohl that the book was coming out sometime this summer.


Hugo Calendar    ...!ucbvax!ucscc!spica!hugo
215 Weeks Avenue         hugo@spica.ucsc.edu
Santa Cruz, CA 95060       hugo@ucscd.bitnet
(408) 425-5479

ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (08/07/90)

In article <5775@darkstar.ucsc.edu>, hugo@spica.ucsc.edu (Hugo Calendar) writes:

> Does anyone know when 2.0 is due out in bookstores?

The Annotated C++ Reference Manual, by Ellis and Stroustrup,
is available now.  There will undoubtedly be a revised edition
of Stroustrup's original C++ book, but most certainly not this summer.
				--Andrew Koenig