[comp.lang.c++] Turbo C++ and MS Windows

pcb@gator.cacs.usl.edu (Peter C. Bahrs) (08/08/90)

Sorry if this has been discussed before....

Is turbo C++ compatible with MS Windows 3.0's Software Development
Kit? (i.e.  I want to write applications using C++ and I don't want
to use zortech).  If not, is there a particular reason such as I need
a different linker.

I have turbo and zortech already.

/*----------- Thanks in advance... --------------------------------------+
| Peter C. Bahrs                                                         |
| The USL-NASA Project                                                   |
| Center For Advanced Computer Studies      INET: pcb@gator.cacs.usl.edu |
| 2 Rex Street                                                           |
| University of Southwestern Louisiana      ...!uunet!dalsqnt!gator!pcb  | 
| Lafayette, LA 70504                                                    |