[comp.lang.c++] C++ under VxWorks


You should get yourself on the VxWorks Exploder mailing list.  There are a
number of people struggling with useing g++ and VxWorks.  I've appended a few
representative exploder exchanges.  There's more; check the exploder archives
for details. (The first included message below explains how the exploder

	-- Stan Schneider

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>From @LBL.Gov:sypko@rtsg.ee.lbl.gov Wed Nov 22 09:47:27 1989
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>From: sypko@rtsg.ee.lbl.gov (Sypko Andreae)
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Subject:  VXWExplo how to
To: vxwexplo@LBL.Gov
Cc: sypko@rtsg.ee.lbl.gov
Status: RO

This message is to welcome you to the VXWExplo, tell you how to
use it, and to ask you for some information.  So please respond to
me (sypko); don't repond to VXWExplo please!
If you have some VxWorks related news you would like to convey, or
if you need help from or have information for the users group 
then leave a message addressed simply to:

		vxwexplo @ lbl.gov
and some 50 people will get your message.  That is all there is to it!
Please send a message to


giving your name, mailing address, voice phone, FAX number, 
and a few lines of your area of interest, systems used etc. 
The information will be fed in a little database which will 
report to you occasionally.
A few addresses we were not able to resolve. If you know of someone
who is not in the current VXWExplo distribution list (malias) and
would like to be, have him/her contact me.

				Sypko Andreae, UCLBL, (415) 486-6411
				UCLBL, Mailstop 46A, Berkeley, CA 94720
				e-mail: sypko@rtsg.ee.lbl.gov


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>From @Csa1.LBL.Gov:thor@thor.UCAR.EDU Fri Jan 26 07:45:25 1990
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Date: Fri, 26 Jan 90 08:28:07 MST
>From: thor@thor.UCAR.EDU (Richard Neitzel)
Message-Id: <9001261528.AA09924@thor.UCAR.EDU>
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	id AA09924; Fri, 26 Jan 90 08:28:07 MST
To: vxwexplo@Csa1.LBL.Gov
Subject: ANSI C & C++, etc.
Status: RO

Now that ANSI C is the 'coming wave', what is on tap for 'ANSI-fying'
VxWorks? I have edited some of the header files, adding the function
prototypes. However, unless WRS starts supplying ANSI header files,
I'll have to repeat the effort every time there is an upgrade. I
realize that the old style headers work fine for ANSI C, but I have
another reason for wanting them - C++. This forces the use of function
prototypes. Of course this adds another set of requirements - for one,
functions that take no arguements must be declared as foo(void). For
another, C++ 2.0 requires special effort to avoid name mangling. 

	In any case, here are some questions that you might be able to

	1> What is the legal status of edited WRS header files? Since
they are copywrited by WRS, would they be willing to allow headers
modified for ANSI C to be shared with other sites? If so how? Via the
archive, on a personal basis, as context diffs, etc. Or can we
expect WRS to do this work in the immediate future? 

	2> Following up 1, what is the WRS position on converting to

	3> What are others out there doing with C++ and VxWorks? What
C++ are you using? (I'm using g++ 1.36.3) What have been your
experiences? I've implemented counting semaphores and found it
extremely simple and efficient. (But that's all I've done for now!)

	OK, now my other topic -

	Where is VxWorks debugging headed? Currently I'm using
dbxWorks and I have no complaints about it's functionality, but I do
have some questions about the wisdom of reliance on Sun for my
VxWorks' debugger. This is going to become more important when Sun
finally orphans my poor Sun-3s. Besides, I would like to look at other
vendor platforms for development, but I love having a debugger. Also,
dbxWorks (I may be misinformed here) apparently only supports 680x0

	If I may be so bold, I suggest that what is required is
something akin to the gnu debugger gdb, which can be built to handle a
number of different targets. Granted any single copy of gdb is limited
to a single CPU type, but I'm willing to have multiple versions if
needed. Now, I believe that gdb already has hooks in it to allow
implementation of remote debugging, so perhaps some one with time to
spare could do a port that would handle VxWorks. OR perhaps WRS is
going to have something real soon now. 

			Richard Neitzel
			National Center For Atmospheric Research
			Box 3000
			Boulder, CO 80307-3000


    	Torren med sitt skjegg		Thor with the beard
    	lokkar borni under sole-vegg	calls the children to the sunny wall
    	Gjo'i med sitt shinn		Gjo with the pelts
    	jagar borni inn.		chases the children in.

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>From @Csa1.LBL.Gov:thor@thor.atd.ucar.EDU Mon Apr 23 07:56:55 1990
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	id AA22505; Mon, 23 Apr 90 08:49:56 MDT
>From: thor@thor.atd.ucar.EDU (Richard Neitzel)
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To: rjn@snowbird.labs.tek.com
Cc: vxwexplo@Csa1.LBL.Gov
Subject: Re: C++ and VxWorks 
In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 18 Apr 90 13:07:42 -0700.
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 90 08:49:49 -0600
Status: RO

> Anyone using C++ and VxWorks?  Comments, warnings, suggestions? 
Well, I'm using C++ with VxWorks and so far I'm pleased. I've been
using the GNU C++ compiler, g++ version 1.37.  About the only thing
that I've noted as a "problem" is that one must create one's own new
and delete routines that must be downloaded prior to loading g++ code.
Simple, but it tripped me up the first time. Of course, including calls
to VxWorks functions involved some non-trivial typing, since the WRS
headers are not ANSI style and do not include most functions anyway. I
now have about 90% of the functions prototyped. Since g++ is C++ 2.0
compliant, I also created headers for g++ that use the extern "C"
syntax to use the ANSI headers. (BTW, these are in the archive as c++headers.p1/2.) 

As far as ease of use with VxWorks goes, I've found it simple. So far
I've implemented several simple classes (ring buffer, local event
flags, "pipes") and am currently using g++ to develop a high speed
radar display. Since we currently  trying to benchmark variuos hardware
for the display, C++ has proven extremely valuable, since I can make
modifications to isolated sections cleanly and safely.

Performance has not been a problem to date. Inline functions are a help
here. The only time I have used g++'s inline assembler syntax was for
floating point math functions. My own benchmarking shows that my C++
ring buffers are faster then the WRS equivalent. Of course, this isn't
strictly a C++ evaluation, since other C++ compilers may produce better
or worse code.

> How about the long symbol names? 
So far the only problem has not been the length of the names, but
rather the tediousness of determining how C++ has mangled them and then
typing that whole mess in. As a strictly lazy way of handling this I
declare all the function names that I intend to invoke interactively to
use C linkage, preserving the exact function name ( the extern "C" syntax again).

> How about static member constructors and global object constructors?
Haven't tried the former. The latter is a problem that I haven't taken
the time to address. g++ does produce code to global object
construction, but since it's execution is normally done under UNIX by
the task's startup code, one needs another way to invoke it. What
probably needs to be done is to grab the UNIX code for this and hack it
to suit VxWorks.

The only true problem I have with using C++ for VxWorks development is
the lack of debugger support. However, since WRS is using gdb as the
porting base for their debugger and gdb understands g++, this problem
should soon be moot. 

All in all, I'm planning on shifting the main thrust of development
work here from C to C++.  
Now it's my turn to ask questions:

1> Has anyone ported streams to VxWorks? Or is anyone working on this?
2> Would you please submit the result to the VxWorks Archive.

Rich N.

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>From @Csa1.LBL.Gov:thor@thor.atd.ucar.EDU Tue Jun 19 08:10:26 1990
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	id AA03225; Tue, 19 Jun 90 08:24:02 MDT
>From: thor@thor.atd.ucar.EDU (Richard Neitzel)
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Date: Tue, 19 Jun 90 08:23:53 MDT
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	id AA01166; Tue, 19 Jun 90 08:23:53 MDT
To: vxwexplo@Csa1.LBL.Gov
Subject: C++/G++ initialization
Status: RO

Well, I think I've found a way to get global objects to initialize
themselves that doesn't bend the rules of C++ too far. Actually I came
up with two schemes. 

The first is to simply call the constructor directly -

class dummy {

dummy D;


This works, but it means adding a reference to each global as it is
added to the code. Further, g++ generates a code fragment that handles
your globals' initialization, so this is "duplicated" code.

The second method is very compiler dependent. I have only done this
under g++-1.37, so be warned! 

On a Sun-3:
G++ generates a stub "__GLOBAL_$I$?", where ? is the name of the first
global object in the file. Likewise the destructor stub is
"__GLOBAL_$D$?". To use them simply insert the lines:

	asm("jbsr __GLOBAL_$I$whatever");
	asm("jbsr __GLOBAL_$D$whatever");

as needed. 

On a Sun-4:
G++ generates a different stub name - __GLOBAL_$D$file, where file is
the name of the file containing the code, with '.' converted to '_'.
The asm lines are:

	asm("call __GLOBAL_$I$whatever,0")
	asm("call __GLOBAL_$D$whatever,0")

as needed.

Examining the assembler output on your system should yield the correct
call for that architecture.

This can be made into a very simple constructor/destructor
wrapper around one's code. You just put all global objects into a
single header file and then have an entry routine that calls the
constructor stub before calling the main code body and the destructor
stub on exit. This also helps to preserve the C++ convention, whereby
globals are guarnteed to be initialized before the main routine is

Now we can only hope that the WRS debugger, since it's based on gdb,
will understand g++ in the VxWorks environment.

Richard Neitzel thor@thor.atd.ucar.edu	     	Torren med sitt skjegg
National Center For Atmospheric Research	lokkar borni under sole-vegg
Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307-3000			Gjo'i med sitt shinn
303-497-2057					jagar borni inn.

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>From @Csa1.LBL.Gov:scotth@rocco.labs.tek.com Wed Jun 20 11:13:01 1990
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To: vxwexplo@Csa1.LBL.Gov
Subject: Re: C++/G++ initialization 
In-Reply-To: Your message of Tue, 19 Jun 90 08:23:53 -0600.
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 10:51:37 -0700
>From: scotth@rocco.labs.tek.com
Status: R

We've been doing it the second way, more or less.  If others are
interested, I'll see what I can do to put it into the archives.

We've hacked a couple versions of the g++ compiler driver.  One runs
on Sun3s and the other on Sun4s.  They're both called g++vx and emit
code for 680x0 targets.  Starting point is g++-1.37.

G++vx runs _collect_ on all object files and produces code that is
assembled and linked with those object files.  This is nice for a
couple of reasons: it's all automated plus it handles libraries, which
for us is very important.

Another libraries-related motivation for g++vx: we have to be very
careful about the libraries we use.  We own or license all code that
we use in products.  We don't want to accidentally use any Sun or FSF
(libg++ or gnulib) libraries for this reason.  G++vx takes care of
this for us by preventing default linking with libc.a, libg++.a, etc..

For what it's worth: we also have gccvx drivers in the same vein,
except that they (obviously) don't run _collect_.  Plus we have gdbvx,
which is the name we give to our 680x0 cross-debugger that runs on
Sun4s.  It is not the same as the WRS debugger.  It is more useful for
low-level source debugging, e.g. interrupt handlers, which is
important to anyone bringing up VxWorks on a proprietary platform.
Plus it can be configured to operate using a broader variety of

Are these things interesting to anyone else?  GDB caveat: it's not
clear yet whether I can give away any code that runs on the target
system.  Ref: gdb, this is a small (less than 2K) monitor that gdb
uses instead of ptrace.  Without it, you'd have to write your own.

Scott Herzinger   scotth%crl.labs.tek.com@relay.cs.net
                  Computer Research Lab, Tektronix, Inc.
                  PO Box 500 MS 50-662, Beaverton, OR 97077

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