[comp.lang.c++] a=b=c=0 HOW???

fleming@uncw.UUCP (Chris Fleming) (08/10/90)

Is this how it is always done?

Say we have a, b, and c all ints.


Is this always:				Or would someone really implement as:
c=0;					a=0;
b=0;					b=0;
a=0;					c=0;
?					?

I ran some test with TC++ 1.0 and feel confident that it is done
the "always" way rather than the "other" way.

How about from the compiler writers point of view....is there a

Linked lists come to mind....without knowing for sure, do I say:

l=l->l_next=new l_list('a',l);			// Just an example

or do I say:

l->l_next=l=new l_list('a',l);

I know the safe method:		l->l_next=new l_list('a',l);

Should work no matter, but..........isn't there a standard?

Chris Fleming                          University of NC at Wilmington

psrc@mtunq.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) (08/10/90)

In article <857@uncw.UUCP> fleming@uncw.UUCP (Chris Fleming) writes:

>Is this always:
>c=0; b=0; a=0;
>Or would someone really implement as:
>a=0; b=0; c=0;

The assignment operator is right associative, even when overridden.
a = b = c = 0 is equivalent to a = ( b = ( c = 0 ) ) ); that is, it
works as you expect (the first way).

>Linked lists come to mind....without knowing for sure, do I say:
>l=l->l_next=new l_list('a',l);			// Just an example

Yes, if you want the equivalent of l->l_next=new l_list('a',l); l=l->l_next;

>or do I say:
>l->l_next=l=new l_list('a',l);

This is the same as l->l_next = ( l = new l_list( 'a', l ) ); there's
no guarantee whether l->l_next will be evaluated (as an lvalue) before
the assignment to l.  If it's evaluated after, you've got troubles.

The *real* question (to my mind) is, what does the constructor
l_list::l_list(char,l_list*) do with its second argument?  Has it
already set the l_next member to point to the given list element?

>I know the safe method . . .

So why are you mucking around?-) :-)

>Chris Fleming, {...,mcnc}!ecsvax!uncw!fleming, fleming@ecsvax!uncw

Paul S. R. Chisholm, AT&T Bell Laboratories
att!mtunq!psrc, psrc@mtunq.att.com, AT&T Mail !psrchisholm
I'm not speaking for the company, I'm just speaking my mind.