[comp.lang.c++] Zortech C++ / Windows 3 / DOS extender

pnl@hpfinote.HP.COM (Peter Lim) (08/10/90)


Some time ago, someone asked a question about whether Zortech C++ 2.1
will run in the DOS extender mode under Windows 3.0 386 Enhanced mode.
(was it in comp.lang.c++ or comp.windows.ms ?)

Walter Bright replied with a resounding YES ! I tried on my machine
with the "-br" switch (if I remember correctly) on a small c++ program
and it works.

But I didn't see any typical DOS/Extender sign on message being
displayed (which other DOS extender programs tend to display). Which
lead me to suspect did the DOS extender C++ compiler actually run ?

Anybody with a big C++ code to try out ? I mean, if it really works,
then does this means program developed using Rational System's DOS
extender is DPMI compatible ?

Just curious.

Regards,                       ## Life is fast enough as it is ........
Peter Lim.                     ## .... DON'T PUSH IT !!          >>>-------,
                               ########################################### :
E-mail:  plim@hpsgwg.HP.COM     Snail-mail:  Hewlett Packard Singapore,    :
Tel:     (065)-279-2289                      (ICDS, ICS)                   |
Telnet:        520-2289                      1150 Depot Road,           __\@/__
  ... also at: pnl@hpfipnl.HP.COM            Singapore   0410.           SPLAT !

jim.nutt@stjhmc.fidonet.org (jim nutt) (08/10/90)

In a message of <Aug 10 17:08> Peter Lim (1:114/15@fidonet.org) writes:

 PL> Walter Bright replied with a resounding YES ! I tried on my machine
 PL> with the "-br" switch (if I remember correctly) on a small c++ program
 PL> and it works.

 PL> But I didn't see any typical DOS/Extender sign on message being
 PL> displayed (which other DOS extender programs tend to display). Which
 PL> lead me to suspect did the DOS extender C++ compiler actually run ?

 PL> Anybody with a big C++ code to try out ? I mean, if it really works,
 PL> then does this means program developed using Rational System's DOS
 PL> extender is DPMI compatible ?

yes to both questions.  pleasantly enough (at least IMHO) ztc doesn't display 
the dos extender sign on every time it is run.  the dos extender version is 
slightly (very slightly) slower than is the regular version but otherwise 
works just the same.

jim nutt
'the computer handyman' 

Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!jim.nutt
Internet: jim.nutt@stjhmc.fidonet.org

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (08/11/90)

In article <36630001@hpfinote.HP.COM> pnl@hpfinote.HP.COM (Peter Lim) writes:
<I tried on my machine
<with the "-br" switch (if I remember correctly) on a small c++ program
<and it works.
<But I didn't see any typical DOS/Extender sign on message being
<displayed (which other DOS extender programs tend to display). Which
<lead me to suspect did the DOS extender C++ compiler actually run ?

All the -br flag does is run ZTCPP1R.EXE instead of ZTC1.EXE, the same
for the other passes. ZTCPP1R.EXE is a dos-extender program. The
banner that says it's a dos-extender program was removed.

<then does this means program developed using Rational System's DOS
<extender is DPMI compatible ?

Rational's latest version is DPMI compatible, if memory serves, versions
3.81 and later. That version is what ZTC was built with.