[comp.lang.c++] Project experience with C++

marks@agcsun.UUCP (Mark Shepherd) (07/11/90)

I would like to find out if anyone out there has real-life, long-term
experience with a substantial (tens/hundreds K lines of code) project 
written in C++. Here are some things I'd like to know:

  - how long does it take an C or Pascal programmer to learn and
    become productive in object-oriented design and programming
  - how long does it take to develop something in C++ compared to C
  - how good is the long-term extendability, reliability, maintainability
    of object-oriented designs/implementations
  - what are the pros/cons of doing a project in C++ rather than C
  - what are the pitfalls of doing something in C++
  - is C++ particularly well suited (or badly suited) to 
    - graphic user interfaces (X/Motif)
    - real time device control
I am already a big fan of object-oriented analysis, design, and 
implementation, and have used C++ and Smalltalk for numerous small 
(1-person) projects, but I don't yet have a feel for how well a large 
project in C++ works, or whether the theoretical benefits - reusability,
modularity, loose-coupling, data hiding, and so on - actually materialize
in practice.

I'd like to hear (either via E-mail or reply posting) about any 
experience you've had, or about any articles or papers you know about
that discuss this.


Mark Shepherd
303-279-1300 x288 (voice)
303-279-2209      (fax) agcsun!marks@boulder.colorado.edu

pkaikini@brahma.rtp.dg.com (Prasan Kaikini) (07/14/90)

In article <812@agcsun.UUCP>, marks@agcsun.UUCP (Mark Shepherd) writes:
|> I would like to find out if anyone out there has real-life, long-term
|> experience with a substantial (tens/hundreds K lines of code) project 
|> written in C++.

I worked for almost a year in a startup (translates to 2 years in a normal
company :-)) on a network management product done completely in C++ (ATT2.0).
There were 3 main groups: the UI/X/Motif group had about 4 people, the Object 
Manager/Database group had about 3 people (including me), and the Comm group
had 2 people.  When the project was started, each of us had about 3-4 years 
of experience in C, and we had all read Stroustrup's C++ book.  When I left,
I think the OM group had written somewhere around 100,000 lines of C++ code.
From what i remember, the UI code was as large, if not larger, and the Comm
code was probably about 50,000.  These numbers are just informed guesses, but
it was an enormous amount of code.

|> Here are some things I'd like to know:
|>   - how long does it take an C or Pascal programmer to learn and
|>     become productive in object-oriented design and programming

I think the main difficulty was the switch in the thought process from a 
procedural to an object-oriented paradigm.  Once that mental switch was made,
it was fairly simple to program in C++.  I think it took about 2 months
for us pioneers to make that switch.  Basically, we learned from each other
- we didn't even have access to the net to ask questions! People who joined
the project later seemed to be able to make the switch somewhat faster.

|>   - how long does it take to develop something in C++ compared to C

I'll skip this one - too many variables to make a fair comparison.

|>   - how good is the long-term extendability, reliability, maintainability
|>     of object-oriented designs/implementations

Extendablity: excellent!!  Our product depended heavily on the extendabilty
afforded by C++.  Essentially, we provided a platform for a network management
station, and if a network manager wanted the system to manage a new device
(one that our system didn't know anything about), all that he/she had to do
was plug in a description of the device into the system.  Any extra management
functions needed by the new device could also as easily be plugged in.  (We
had a poor man's dynamic linker.)

Maintainabilty: very good!  Data encapsulation made the code extremely modular,
and bug-fixing was simple.  However, lots of thought needs to go into designing
your basic class hierarchy.  We went thru a couple of revisions.  I'm not sure
if that was due to lack of experience with C++ or with network management!

Reliability: don't know.  While testing of C software, itself seems to be a
hopeless task, nobody seems to have a clue of how to go about testing C++

|>   - what are the pros/cons of doing a project in C++ rather than C

Pros: True data abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance especially multiple,
      polymorphism, and lots of other small details.
Cons: None - other than the learning involved!

|>   - what are the pitfalls of doing something in C++

Designing the basic class hierarchy - if you haven't done it well, you'll
realize soon enough and redesign it.  Other minor ones which i need more time
to recollect!

|>   - is C++ particularly well suited (or badly suited) to 
|>     - graphic user interfaces (X/Motif)
|>     - real time device control

Sorry, no experience with either.

I'm now back to programming in C, and it feels like going from C to assembler!
I can't imagine how I could have ever liked such a language (C)!! Hope
that helps.  If you need any more details, please email.


marks@agcsun.UUCP (Mark Shepherd) (07/15/90)

Hi. I recently posted a request for information from people who 
had real-life long-term experience with a substantial
C++ project. I received replies from five people who have actual 
project experience (5-10 people, tens to hundred of K lines of code).
Here's a compilation of what they said (different paragraphs are from
different respondents):

- how long does it take an C or Pascal programmer to learn and
  become productive in object-oriented design and programming

   Not sure.  We had been using Lisp and were pretty rusty in C before we
   moved to C++.  I'd guess not too long to get productive, but you'll
   need someone with experience to review designs.  I expect it takes a
   year or so before it all really sinks in.  We plunged in after a
   couple of months and did ok, but we have had to go back and revise a
   lot of things.

   It takes about 2-3 months to learn C++ if someone knows C (or Pascal).
   However, it takes about six months to a year to LEARN the paradigm shift
   to OOP.  After 2-3 months, there aren't any more "tricks" or syntax to
   learn, other people's code is "readable", ...  Defining objects,
   concentrating on WHAT vs HOW, avoiding procedural traps (especially with
   respect to error recovery), takes considerable time; up to a year.

- how long does it take to develop something in C++ compared to C

   Can't say.  If you really need the stuff that C++ provides, it would
   make a BIG difference.  If you don't know what to do with inheritance
   or virtual member functions, it'll probably slow you down.

   Once beyond the initial learning cycle, no extra time, but see below 
   [comment on designing with an eye towards re-use].

- how good is the long-term extendability, reliability, maintainability
  of object-oriented designs/implementations

   Seems ok so far.  Like C, it's really up to you.  It's as easy to
   write a nightmare in C++ as it is in C.

   If there is a decent library, then OOP designs/implementations tend to
   have excellent long-term extendability, reliability, and
   maintainability.  I have one design that I have reused for several
   years, now, and some code that is only re-linked as classes are
   upgraded.  The trick is to concentrate on the analysis and design phases
   with an eye towards REUSE; i.e., a usefull library.

- what are the pros/cons of doing a project in C++ rather than C

   Definitely use C++ over non-ansi C.  Also, if you have people who
   understand object oriented programming, you'll want to use C++.  Since
   C++ interfaces to C fairly well, you don't give up much to use C++.
   Compiler and debugger quality and stability has been the major con so
   far.  If you don't have people who understand OO, I wouldn't bother
   with it.  If you're used to using something powerful, like Sabre-C,
   wait till they come out with Sabre-C++.  If you're used to inadequate
   debuggers that lie to you or simply don't tell you much, you'll feel
   right at home.

   If coding in C+ (i.e., traditional programming, not OOP, but using the
   C++ compiler), the project is usually worse off because of the
   difficulty in training/readability, ...  (programmers tend to get
   enamored of the cute syntax available and throw it all in :-)

- what are the pitfalls of doing something in C++

   Executable size explosion.  This may go away.  Include file
   saturation--10 line .cc files sometimes require 10K lines of .h.

   Deluding yourselves that you are doing OOP.  Not enough GOOD
   environments around; e.g., decent SOURCE debuggers, browsers, on-line
   entity dictionaries, ... [editor's note: Saber-C++ is due
   to be released late this year. Cross your fingers...]

- is C++ particularly well suited (or badly suited) to 
  - graphic user interfaces (X/Motif)

   Yes, provided you are willing to invest the time and effort to convert
   the header files to C++ (actually, jointly compatible with C using the
   #ifdef __cplusplus or separate directory ...)
   Sure.  Look at the rave reviews InterViews gets (IV is a publicly
   available X library/toolkit).  I don't know of a package for Motif
   though.  Everyone hopes that somebody will build it on top of IV.
   [editor's note: Solbourne has recently introduced a C++ object library
   that works for either Motif or OpenLook. I can't (yet) comment
   on how good it is.]

  - real time device control

   I have been controlling telephone switches and line interface units with
   no problems.  After all, it is really C that you are using underneath,
   and C has been used for these purposes quite successfully for years.

- other comments ?

   We have a group doing a project in C++. It seems the C++ crowd cannot 
   seem to get anything completed within schedule. (P.S.  Please do not 
   post my response, it would not go over well with my management.) 
   [editor's note: how about if I paraphrase and then leave out
   your name.]

   My immediate experience in a project with about 5 programmers is 
   that there is a tendency of people starting out with C++ to try to 
   use the language in ways that are not really object-oriented; 
   ie, they'll just convert all their structures to objects.  Another 
   problem is going too gung-ho and making a somewhat obscure object 
   mechanism central to the project, thus slowing it down.  The moral is, 
   if most of the group are novices, be very selective about where and 
   how the language extensions are used. On the other hand, there is 
   another project within my company which started out with more OO people 
   and had more time to do education and spec-writing (OOD).  This one 
   seems to have gone rather well, last I heard.  It was more like 10 
   people, 100K lines.

   [The theoretical benefits of C++] are definitely achieved in 
   practice, PROVIDED you have a review of any new classes; i.e., 
   reward reuse!!!  Concentrate on the library, and communicate the 
   library.  This latter point is where an on-line entity dictionary 
   (even simple hypercard can suffice) really shines.  Imagine you need 
   a "car" object.  It would be nice to know that there was already an 
   "automobile" object in the library, just waiting to be reused...
- any published literature on this subject ?

   There was a workshop at last year's OOPSLA conference on the use of 
   OOP in commercial environments.  While not totally directed at
   the use of C++, many attendees had experience in using this language.  
   There is a report (~30 pages) which reports what the attendees had 
   to say about thier use of OOP.  [editor's note: if you're interested, 
   send me a surface mail address. and I'll ship you a copy, 
   as soon as I get it.]

   There's an article in the USENIX 1988 C++ Conference
	 C. Berman and R. Gur, "NAPS -- A C++ Project Case Study",
	 pp. 137-152.
   Another interesting article is in March 1989 Uniforum:
	 E. Flanagan, "Experiences in Using C++ in Large Projects".
   An article on the impact of C++ and OOP on the maintenance of a system
   by Dennis Mancl of AT&T Bell Laboratories will appear this November 
   in the IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance.

Thanks to all who responded. I hope this compilation is useful to 
everyone out there.

Mark Shepherd

klimas@astro.pc.ab.com (07/18/90)

In article <812@agcsun.UUCP>, marks@agcsun.UUCP (Mark Shepherd) writes:
> I would like to find out if anyone out there has real-life, long-term
> experience with a substantial (tens/hundreds K lines of code) project 
> written in C++. Here are some things I'd like to know:
>   - how long does it take an C or Pascal programmer to learn and
>     become productive in object-oriented design and programming
>   - how long does it take to develop something in C++ compared to C
>   - how good is the long-term extendability, reliability, maintainability
>     of object-oriented designs/implementations
>   - what are the pros/cons of doing a project in C++ rather than C
>   - what are the pitfalls of doing something in C++
>   - is C++ particularly well suited (or badly suited) to 
>     - graphic user interfaces (X/Motif)
>     - real time device control
> I am already a big fan of object-oriented analysis, design, and 
> implementation, and have used C++ and Smalltalk for numerous small 
> (1-person) projects, but I don't yet have a feel for how well a large 
> project in C++ works, or whether the theoretical benefits - reusability,
> modularity, loose-coupling, data hiding, and so on - actually materialize
> in practice.
	I think that there is a rather unanimous opinion that C++ is a better
	C in many ways, most noteably through better modularity of code. 
	However there are a number of myths and unrealistic expectations that
	are being foisted upon C++ for code reuse, productivity, and quality.
	I believe that there are a number of excellent companies involved
	in the OOP field that have documented these issues at various OOPSLA
	sessions.  I would suggest getting a hold of someone from one of these
	companies or look through previous copies of the Journal of Object
	Oriented Programming for some insights.

jaz@icd.ab.com (Jack A. Zucker) (07/18/90)

Talk to someone at Mentor Graphics. They have written 1.5 million
lines of C++ code.


rlk@telesoft.com (Bob Kitzberger @sation) (07/20/90)

In article <641@dg.dg.com>, pkaikini@brahma.rtp.dg.com (Prasan Kaikini) writes:
> In article <812@agcsun.UUCP>, marks@agcsun.UUCP (Mark Shepherd) writes:
> |> I would like to find out if anyone out there has real-life, long-term
> |> experience with a substantial (tens/hundreds K lines of code) project 
> |> written in C++.

First a comment on testing:

> Reliability: don't know.  While testing of C software, itself seems to be a
> hopeless task, nobody seems to have a clue of how to go about testing C++
> software!

Then a claim that there are no cons:

> |>   - what are the pros/cons of doing a project in C++ rather than C
> Cons: None - other than the learning involved!

Surely the ability to test and debug a product are critical facets of
software engineering.

Staying off of the C++ bandwagon,

Bob Kitzberger               Internet : rlk@telesoft.com
TeleSoft                     uucp     : ...!ucsd.ucsd.edu!telesoft!rlk
5959 Cornerstone Court West
San Diego, CA   92121-9891   "There's too much caffeine in your bloodstream..."
(619) 457-2700 x163                                              -- The Smiths

oz@yunexus.yorku.ca (Ozan Yigit) (07/24/90)

In article <222.26a42b7d@astro.pc.ab.com> klimas@astro.pc.ab.com writes:

>	I think that there is a rather unanimous opinion that C++ is a better
>	C in many ways, most noteably through better modularity of code. 

That "unanimous opinion" is not unanimous anywhere outside the C++ newsgroup.

klimas@astro.pc.ab.com (07/31/90)

In article <13038@yunexus.YorkU.CA>, oz@yunexus.yorku.ca (Ozan Yigit) writes:
> In article <222.26a42b7d@astro.pc.ab.com> klimas@astro.pc.ab.com writes:
>>	I think that there is a rather unanimous opinion that C++ is a better
>>	C in many ways, most noteably through better modularity of code. 
> That "unanimous opinion" is not unanimous anywhere outside the C++ newsgroup.
	There are a number of problems that result from the misapplication
	of any language and all of the OOP languages have successes and 
	failures based upon their target applications.  The fact that is
	trying to be conveyed is that developers of large systems using
	C++ seem to feel that their code is more modular than straight C and
	hence its a better C.  Whether C++ is a better OOP than
	one of the other languages I am not going to initiate yet another
	language war, I believe that a process of evolutionary natural 
	selection will resolve the winner much more conclusively than any 
	articulate debate will.

larrym@pi19.pnfi.forestry.ca (Larry Marshall) (08/01/90)

klimas@astro.pc.ab.com writes:

>	trying to be conveyed is that developers of large systems using
>	C++ seem to feel that their code is more modular than straight C and
>	hence its a better C.  Whether C++ is a better OOP than
>	one of the other languages I am not going to initiate yet another
>	language war, I believe that a process of evolutionary natural 
>	selection will resolve the winner much more conclusively than any 
>	articulate debate will.

I'll begin by pointing out that there is no such thing as "evolutionary natural selection".  Evolution is an outcome; natural selection is one of the processes that causes it.  Since learning C++ is often a struggle because we must start thinking about "things" rather than emphasizing "processes" we need to keep those things straight here (grin).  
But evolution is not really the reason I'm writing.  Rather I'm here to ask about the design struggle.  I'm fairly new to C++ and often find myself struggling with the "old ways" while trying to implement the new.  This often occurs when I need to do some rather simple task that, by appearances is unique to the situation at hand.  I'm wondering if others have run into this problem and do you solve them by writing straight C to solve these problems or is there a better way.

An example of this came up the other day.  I needed to read a simple text file.
Each line needed to be parsed and actions taken elsewhere in the program depending upon what was found.  Of course this problem is trivial but it serves as an example.  Should I write a class to do this?  Should the class be a text file class, a "line" class, a parse class, ... ???  Since the parse is unique (I was looking for two different words) should I build a virtual class and derive something unique to that parse or pass the two words to a more general parse class?  Possibly you can see why I'm doing

 so much head scratching.  All of these solutions would require me to write a lot more code than the simple, unique parse function required in ANSI C.  That's ok if I end up with something re-usable but I have a hard time "seeing" that in cases like this.  Any edification you could give a an old evolutionary biologist who's strugglng to learn this new paradigm would be appreciated.

Larry Marshall
Petawawa National Forestry Institute
Chalk River, Ontario K0J 1J0

rlk@telesoft.com (Bob Kitzberger @sation) (08/02/90)

In article <294.26b56ac2@astro.pc.ab.com>, klimas@astro.pc.ab.com writes:
> 	Whether C++ is a better OOP than
> 	one of the other languages I am not going to initiate yet another
> 	language war, I believe that a process of evolutionary natural 
> 	selection will resolve the winner much more conclusively than any 
> 	articulate debate will.

"Evolutionary natural selection" won't prove which is better, merely
which survives.  The two aren't necessarily the same, as non-technical
issues often overshadow technical issues.  

Bob Kitzberger               Internet : rlk@telesoft.com
TeleSoft                     uucp     : ...!ucsd.ucsd.edu!telesoft!rlk
5959 Cornerstone Court West
San Diego, CA   92121-9891   "There's too much caffeine in your bloodstream..."
(619) 457-2700 x163                                              -- The Smiths

guthery@acw.UUCP (Scott Guthery) (08/04/90)

There is IMHO an excellent article on project experience with C++ in the 1990
Usenix C++ Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-9: "Experiences with C++ and Object
Oriented Software Development" by Nicholas Wybolt of Cadre Technologies.  My
reading of the article is that C++ is easier to write but harder to read,
harder to test, harder to debug, harder to maintain, and harder to evolve
than C.  Will somebody remind me why this is progress.

							Cheers, Scott

+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Austin Code Works +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+**+*+
NET Domain: guthery@uunet.uu.net           Post:  11100 Leafwood Lane
COM Domain: guthery@acw.com                       Austin, Texas 78750-3464 USA
US  Domain: guthery@acw.austin.tx.us       FAX:   +1 (512) 258-1342
Usenet:     {uunet}!acw!guthery            Voice: +1 (512) 258-0785
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+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* The Source of C +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+

klimas@astro.pc.ab.com (08/06/90)

> I'm fairly new to C++ and often find myself struggling with the "old ways" 
> while trying to implement the new.  This often occurs when I need to do some 
> rather simple task that, by appearances is unique to the situation at hand.  
> I'm wondering if others have run into this problem and do you solve them by 
> writing straight C to solve these problems or is there a better way.
> An example of this came up the other day.  I needed to read a simple text 
> file.
> Each line needed to be parsed and actions taken elsewhere in the program 
> depending upon what was found.  Of course this problem is trivial but it 
> serves as an example.  Should I write a class to do this?  Should the class 
> be a text file class, a "line" class, a parse class, ... ???  Since the 
> parse is unique (I was looking for two different words) should I build a 
> virtual class and derive something unique to that parse or pass the two 
> words to a more general parse class?  Possibly you can see why I'm doing
> so much head scratching.  All of these solutions would require me to write 
> a lot more code than the simple, unique parse function required in ANSI C.  
> That's ok if I end up with something re-usable but I have a hard time 
> "seeing" that in cases like this.  Any edification you could give a an 
> old evolutionary biologist who's strugglng to learn this new paradigm would 
> be appreciated.
> Larry Marshall
> Petawawa National Forestry Institute
> Chalk River, Ontario K0J 1J0

	The above phenomena is not unique.  The paucity of good stable C++
	class libraries has often been cited as one of the difficulties of
	learning OOPs with C++ and is a prime
	example of why some institutions are requiring people who want to
	develop in C++ to first become familiar with OOP via Smalltalk.  The
	Smalltalk class library provides a good library of examples of how the
	C++ classes might be organized for a particular function.  The best C++
	programmers I know learned OOP from Smalltalk initially and then
	transfered their experiences to C++.

dan@dyndata.UUCP (Dan Everhart) (08/07/90)

In article <294.26b56ac2@astro.pc.ab.com> klimas@astro.pc.ab.com writes:

  Whether C++ is a better OOP than
	   one of the other languages I am not going to initiate yet another
	   language war, I believe that a process of evolutionary natural 
	   selection will resolve the winner much more conclusively than any 
	   articulate debate will.

Eh?  Natural selection != Market dynamics.  After all, we still have
FORTRAN, COBOL, and the 8086 :-)

Besides, articulate debate (not language wars!) is part of what usenet
is all about.

cline@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Marshall Cline) (08/09/90)

In article <350.26bd5757@astro.pc.ab.com> klimas@astro.pc.ab.com writes:
>Smalltalk class library provides a good library of examples of how the
>C++ classes might be organized for a particular function.  The best C++
>programmers I know learned OOP from Smalltalk initially and then
>transfered their experiences to C++.

Unfortunately I must disagree with both statements.

[1] ``Smalltalk class library provides good library of exampoles of
      how the C++ classes might be organized''

The Smalltalk class library was designed for Smalltalk.  It is entirely
runtime typed (which is appropriate for Smalltalk), uses inheritance as an
implementation mechanism sometimes at the expense of type conformance
(again, ok for Smalltalk, lousy for C++), and it is a singly rooted tree
(necessary for Smalltalk but introducing unconstrained polymorphism into the
container classes which weakens or destroys type safety in C++).

Although the NIHCL (C++) is a successful product, using it requires pointer
coersions (which I believe to be the OOP moral equivalent of a `goto'), and
it suffers from some of the above problems as well.  For example, it is
impossible for anything to `be-a' Set without containing a hash-table (this
is another non-issue in Smalltalk where you can totally change the type
and/or function of inherited member objects).

[2] ``The best C++ programmers I know learned OOP from Smalltalk initially''

I've heard this marketing hype too (from companies that specialize in
Smalltalk training).  I've found that Smalltalk programmers have just as
hard a time adjusting to C++ as do Pascal programmers.  Their struggles are
entirely different (Smalltalk programmers have to get used to strong typing,
for example), but Smalltalk programmers have certain initial concepts which
are entirely wrong for C++.  The purpose of inheritance in C++ is different
than in Smalltalk (C++ provides both private [mechanism_only] inheritance
and public inheritance [mechanism + type_conformance]; Smalltalk has only
one form [would muddy type-conformance in C++], plus Smalltalk doesn't even
require you to inherit mechanism, in the sense that you can change the


Before I step into my flame retardant suit, let me mention that I'm not down
on Smalltalk or its library *AT* *ALL*!!  I just believe the supposed easy
transition from Smalltalk to C++ is a myth.  I've recently had to rescue a
fairly large C++ project (over 14 million of lines of code in the previous
language) from the mentality that you can squeeze Smalltalk methodology into
C++.  For them (and for anyone programming-in-the-large, I believe), type
safety is essential.

Marshall Cline

Marshall Cline / Asst.Prof / ECE Dept / Clarkson Univ / Potsdam, NY 13676
cline@sun.soe.clarkson.edu / Bitnet:BH0W@CLUTX / uunet!clutx.clarkson.edu!bh0w
Voice: 315-268-3868 / Secretary: 315-268-6511 / FAX: 315-268-7600
Career search in progress; ECE faculty; research oriented; will send vita.
PS: If your company is interested in on-site C++/OOD training, drop me a line!

tgg@otter.hpl.hp.com (Tom Gardner) (08/09/90)

|I've recently had to rescue a
|fairly large C++ project (over 14 million of lines of code in the previous
|language) from the mentality that you can squeeze Smalltalk methodology into
|Marshall Cline

This sounds like a _very_ interesting real-life war story. I wouuld be very 
interested in learning what not to do... Please comment!

|For them (and for anyone programming-in-the-large, I believe), type
|safety is essential.

Beginners question: if there is global type checking then does this imply
that small incremental changes require very long compile and/or link times?
If so, what can be done to reduce the times? 

klimas@astro.pc.ab.com (08/10/90)

In article <CLINE.90Aug8165807@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu>, cline@cheetah.ece.clarkson.edu (Marshall Cline) writes:
> Unfortunately I must disagree with both statements.
> [1] ``Smalltalk class library provides good library of exampoles of
>       how the C++ classes might be organized''

	The statement was intended as a suggestion for someone trying to figure
	out OOPS without any experience in laying out the art of laying
	out usefull class hierarchies.  The NIHCL is not available to most
	neophyte C++ programmers and as you point out some people disagree
	as to its appropriateness.  Rather than debate the ST class library
	issue, how about a good list of class libraries a neophyte C++ er
	should browse to help him understand how to lay out reusable
	class hierarchies.
> [2] ``The best C++ programmers I know learned OOP from Smalltalk initially''
> I've heard this marketing hype too (from companies that specialize in
> Smalltalk training). 
	I'm impressed that you know the same C++ programmers that I do! <GRIN>
	Seriously, I believe that there is more than a coincidental
	relationship in this area.  Unfortunately it would do little
	to debate this without some sort of a statistical study to back it
	up so I'll back off for the sake of note bandwidth!

 > I just believe the supposed easy transition from Smalltalk to C++ is a myth. 
	I don't believe that anyone ever implied learning C++ was easy once
	one understood Smalltalk, the intent was to not have to hit the
	neophytes with the burden of learning OOP simultaneously with
	learning the syntax of C++.  The folks at Carleton University and
	some product oriented companies have strong opinions in this area.

> I've recently had to rescue a
> fairly large C++ project (over 14 million of lines of code in the previous
> language) from the mentality that you can squeeze Smalltalk methodology into
> C++.  For them (and for anyone programming-in-the-large, I believe), type
> safety is essential.
	I saw some confidential statistics on a large software project that
	indicated that strong typing in a rather large (~ 1 million lines of
	code) caught only 10% of the errors.  I believe that this is an area
	that others' contributions would be very helpfull in sorting out the 
	relevant issues from the noise.

vaughan@mcc.com (Paul Vaughan) (08/10/90)

klimas@astro.pc.ab.com wrote:

	I saw some confidential statistics on a large software project that
	indicated that strong typing in a rather large (~ 1 million lines of
	code) caught only 10% of the errors.  I believe that this is an area
	that others' contributions would be very helpfull in sorting out the 
	relevant issues from the noise.

I'd be highly skeptical of this.  Type checking catches a lot of
errors in a way that gets them fixed immediately.  Programmers tend to
forget they even made them.  It's like leaving out a semi-colon.  Most
people don't record that as a programming error.  They just fix it.
Having come from a LISP background, I find that it seemed a lot easier
to modify a program in LISP, but that after having done it, bugs
associated with the "fix" would keep popping up forever and stringent
testing after every change was required to maintain robustness.  Type
checking totally eliminates most of the errors that would plague us

On the other hand, there certainly are several categories of frequent
errors that type checking doesn't help with.  Memory
allocation/deallocation misunderstandings come prominently to mind
(ah, LISP . . .).

Does anyone have any experience, intuition, or statistics concerning
the use of const?  Does it really help clear up errors or not?  It's
certainly a bag of worms to get a program const correct--it just
ripples and ripples through your code and then you wind up finding a
place in some library or system function where something really should
have been const but can't be changed and you have to cast around it in
the end.  So what's the verdict is const worth it?

 Paul Vaughan, MCC CAD Program | ARPA: vaughan@mcc.com | Phone: [512] 338-3639
 Box 200195, Austin, TX 78720  | UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!vaughan

dhoyt@vw.acs.umn.edu (08/11/90)

In article <10329@cadillac.CAD.MCC.COM>, vaughan@mcc.com (Paul Vaughan) writes...
>klimas@astro.pc.ab.com wrote:
>	I saw some confidential statistics on a large software project that
>	indicated that strong typing in a rather large (~ 1 million lines of
>	code) caught only 10% of the errors.

Having worked on a several  +million line programs (mostly Fortran mixed with
about 10% C and 5% assembler).  I'd aggree with the statement.  But only
because the statement is meaningless.  A project never gets anywere near a
million lines long without lots of testing and billions (okay, lots) of
compiles and even more bugs. Putting an 'IMPLICIT NONE' at the top of all those
Fortran modules (assuming you didn't use some such method in the first place,
unlikely) would catch about 10% of the outstanding bugs.  It's in the right
order of magnitude anyway <:).

Unfortunately it would only find about 5 of the reported bugs...

david paul hoyt | dhoyt@vx.acs.umn.edu | dhoyt@umnacvx.bitnet

rfg@NCD.COM (Ron Guilmette) (08/16/90)

In article <10329@cadillac.CAD.MCC.COM> vaughan@mcc.com (Paul Vaughan) writes:
>klimas@astro.pc.ab.com wrote:
>Does anyone have any experience, intuition, or statistics concerning
>the use of const?  Does it really help clear up errors or not?  It's
>certainly a bag of worms to get a program const correct--it just
>ripples and ripples through your code and then you wind up finding a
>place in some library or system function where something really should
>have been const but can't be changed and you have to cast around it in
>the end.  So what's the verdict is const worth it?

I believe that it is.

At one point during the development of my protoize program, I decided
that it would be fun to make the program itself cleanly compile with
all three of {gcc,g++,cfront}.

The first step was to protoize protoize itself.  That was easy.  I could
have just stopped there, but I found some minor bug that having const's
all over (in appropriate places) would have alerted me to during compilation.

So I started putting in the const's.  Indeed, just as Paul says, once you
start this process, each addition of one "const" in one place causes you
to be forced to add const in several more places.  It takes awhile for this
ripple effect to settle down.  I seem to recall that for about 4000 lines
of clean C code (which I understood well, because I was the author) the
whole process took me about 3-4 hours or so.  That's not too bad, but
keep in mind that I had a very intimate understanding of how the code worked
to begin with.  Inserting all needed const's in somebody else's piece of
spagetti (i.e. not your own spagetti :-) could take a lot longer.

I'm happy with the result for two reasons.  First, I'm getting the compiler
to help me a bit more to catch more bugs (or at least potential bugs) at
compile time.  Second, and perhaps even more important, there is a
documentary aspect to having the const's in there.  I feel very strongly
that source code files are themselves critical pieces of documentation
(and sometimes the only ones available :-( and having all of the const's
in there will help the next guy to be able to understand and maintain
*your* spagetti.  Remember.  when it comes to crappy code, what goes
around, comes around.

// Ron Guilmette  -  C++ Entomologist
// Internet: rfg@ncd.com      uucp: ...uunet!lupine!rfg
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.