[comp.lang.c++] question: multilingual editor?

bahman () (08/19/90)

I would appreciate any pointers to creating a multilingual
editor, news reader/poster using oops and c++.
This editor/poster/viewer should be able to switch from one
language to the other from the context of the data (viewer) or 
a key sequence (message creator). There will be a printable
esc-sequence, i.e.  "\J" for Japanees, "\F" for finish, etc.

What are the logical objects in an editor?
What are the methods within the objects?
What are the base classes and drived classes?

Any books, documents, and public domain code would also
be of great help.

Please email to bahman@mdi.com. My reply path some times
bounces back the messages (to the replier)!!!!

Thanks in advance,

Bahman Khamneian

Bahman Khamneian               |Tel:     (206)487-5947
Mobile Data International      |Fax:     (206)483-3400
19807 North Creek Parkway North|INTERNET:bahman@MDI.COM
Bothell, Washington 98011      |UUCP:    uunet!mdisea!bahman
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