[comp.lang.c++] g++/gdb on DS3100 SUCCESS!!

rose@tci.UUCP (Bob Rose) (08/21/90)

(drumroll please........)


Yes, folks, amazingly enough, you CAN run gcc, g++ and best of
all gdb on a DecStation 3100.

It's not even that hard, but you do need some work...

First of all get all the latest versions of gcc (1.37.1),,
g++( also 1.37.1), libg++ (1.37), and gdb (3.5).  You'll also
need the mips patches for gdb, I think you can get them from most ftp 
sites (we subscribe to UUNET and they sent them): ham-mips-gdb-3.5.tar.Z.

Just start with gcc and follow the instructions carefully.  
It will die when it tries to recompile itself and passes gcc
a -g flag, fear not, just remove the -g from the Makefile.

Since g++ depends on gcc, make sure gcc built properly before 
moving on!!  Try to compile and run a hello world, and maybe a large
program, too.

Move on to g++ next and try to build that.  In the Makefile,
uncomment the line for COFFLAGS:

Also remove -g in all cflags lines.  There might be other stuff
you have to do, it doesn't build without errors, don't give up!
Keep working at it until it builds.  Next build libg++, that
builds pretty easily (compared with gcc and g++!).

Once g++ is there, move on to gdb.  YOU MUST GET THE PATCHES!
There aren't any instructions so:
1) the patch dir has a bunch of links to ../../foo/bar/....c, .o etc.
These links are obviously wrong for your machine so get rid
of all the links.  You can try using find to get rid of em, or
create another dir and do a cp * <otherdir>, it won't copy the links. 
Now go to the new dir and link to all the files in the normal gdb
ln -s <gdb>/dist-gdb/* .
It won't link to the files that are there.  Now try a make and
it should work...        

Best of luck,       
Bob Rose
Technology Concepts, Inc.